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❶ (稳定; 稳当) steady; stable; firm: 安 ~ safe; 立场很 ~ have a firm stand; 步子不 ~ not steady on one's legs; 价格 ~ 中有降。 Prices at the fairs are stable with a slight decline.
❷ (稳重) steady; staid; sedate: 态度很 ~ have a sedate attitude
❸ (稳妥) sure; reliable; certain: 拿不 ~ cannot be sure; 十拿九 ~ practically certain Ⅱ (无疑; 一定) surely: ~ 赢 surely win the game Ⅲ (使稳固或安定) stabilize; steady: 企图 ~ 住阵脚 try to maintain one's position; attempt to hold one's ground
◆稳便 reliable and convenient; 稳步 with steady steps; steadily; 稳步不前 mark time and make no advance; 稳步前进 steer [tread] a steady course; advance steadily; make steady progress [advance]; proceed by steady steps; 稳步增长 steady-state growth; 稳操胜券 have full assurance of success; be bound to succeed; be sure [certain] to win; Certain victory lies within one's hand [grasp].; find success within one's grasp; Success [Victory] was within one's grasp.; 稳操左券 hold the left half of the deed — sure of success; be confident of succeeding in ...; be certain [sure] of success; certainly will succeed; have full assurance of success; have the game in the bag; hold the cards in one's hands; sure to win; Ten thousand to one (he) will win.; 稳产 {农} dependable crop; 稳产高产 high and stable yields; 稳当 reliable; secure; safe; 稳定 stabilize; steady; stable; steady; stabilization; stationary; equilibrium; {天} immobile; 稳定度 stability; 稳定性 stability; stabilization; steadiness; constancy; sturdiness; resistivity; 稳定压倒一切 stability is everything; stability is an overriding thing in our country; 稳固 firm; steady; stable; 稳恒(的) steady; constant; 稳健 firm; steady; solid; moderate; safe; 稳练 steady and prudent; 稳流 {物} steady flow; constant-current; current stabilization; 稳流管 barretter; 稳频 frequency stabilization; 稳婆 [旧] midwife; 稳如磐石 be steady as a rock; as stable as a great rock — firm, solid; 稳如平地 be as steady and immovable as the dry land itself; 稳如泰山 be as steady as Mount Tai; as stable as Mount Taishan — standing firmly in place; as firm as a rock; like a rock; 稳速 speed stabilizing; 稳态 {物} {电} steady state; 稳妥 safe; reliable; sound; 稳稳当当 safe and secure; 稳稳重重 quiet and serious; steady; staid; sedate; 稳心 metacenter; 稳压 stabilivolt; voltage stabilization; 稳压管 {电子} stabilivolt; voltage-regulator tube (VR-tube); 稳压器 regulator; 稳扎稳打 stand firmly and fight steadily; go about things steadily and surely; go ahead steadily and strike sure blows; play for safety; proceed steadily and step by step; struggle constantly; wage steady and sure struggles; 稳重 modest; prudent; dignified; steady; staid; sedate“稳、准、狠” “sure, accurate and relentless”; 稳坐钓鱼台 choose a good way of attaining one's end without taking any personal risk, but remaining comfortably in the background; take a tense situation calmly; 稳坐观风 sit firmly and see which way the wind blows — sit on the fence





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