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❶ (身体) body: ~ 高1.72米 1.72 m. in height; 转过 ~ 去 turn round; 我累得周 ~ 疼痛。 My whole body aches with weariness. 这套衣服挺合 ~ 。This suit fits perfectly.
❷ (生命) life: 为事业献 ~ give up one's life for a cause; 以 ~ 殉职 die a martyr at one's post; 她舍 ~ 救孩子。 She gave her life to save her child.
❸ (自己; 本身) oneself; personally: 设 ~ 处地 put oneself in sb. else's position; 以 ~ 作则 set a good example with one's own conduct; 你 ~ 为组长, 应当负起责任来。 As group leader, you should take charge.
❹ (人的品格和修养) one's moral character and conduct: 修 ~ cultivate one's mind; 立 ~ 处世 ways of conducting oneself in society
❺ (物体的中部或主要部分) the main part of a structure; body: 船 ~ the body of a ship; hull; 河 ~ bed of river; 机 ~ fuselage; 汽车车 ~ the body of a motor car; 树 ~ trunk
❻ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 相 Shen Xiang Ⅱ (用于衣服) suit: 一 ~ 新衣服 a new suit
◆身败名裂 lose all standing and reputation; be utterly discredited; bring disgrace and ruin upon oneself; bring ruin and shame upon oneself; draw ruin upon oneself; lose caste; One's name is mud.; One's personal reputation is ruined.; 身板 [方] body; bodily health; 身边 at [by] one's side; (have sth.) on one; with one; 身不由己 involuntarily; do sth. not of one's own free will; have no command over oneself; helpless; incapable of resistance; in spite of oneself; lose control of [over] oneself; unable to contain oneself; 身材 stature; figure; 身残志坚 broken in body but firm in spirit; 身长 height; length; 身段 figure; posture; 身份[分] status; capacity; identity; dignity; 身份证 identity card; 身份证制度 the identity card system; 身负重任 be charged with important tasks; bear heavy burden; shoulder heavy responsibilities; sustain [undertake] great responsibilities; 身高 stature; height (of a person); 身故 die; 身后 after one's death; 身怀六甲 be in the family way; be expecting; be pregnant; She has conceived a child in her womb.; She has started a baby.; 身价 social status; the selling price of a slave; 身价百倍 have a sudden rise in social status; receive a tremendous boost in one's prestige; 身教 teach others by one's own example; 身教言传 teach by precept and example; instruct sb. not only in words, but by deeds; 身教重[胜]于言教 Example is better than precept.; Example is always more efficacious than precept.; 身经百战 be a veteran in battle; battle-seasoned; has fought a hundred battles; have experienced [stood the test of] many battles; hero of a hundred fights; 身历[临]其境 be personally on the scene; personally to go through a situation; 身量 [口] height (of a person); stature; 身强力壮 be robust and strong; be in tiptop form; be of sturdy build; be physically very strong; be strong and healthy; One's body is strong and lusty.; stout and healthy; 身躯 body; stature; bulk; 身上 on one's body; 身世 one's life experience; one's lot; 身手 skill; talent; 身首异处 be executed; be beheaded; dismembered; One's head and one's body lay in two different places.; One's head and one's shoulders parted company.; One's head was sliced off from his body.; sever the head from the trunk; 身受 experience (personally); 身体 body; health; 身体力行 set an example by personally taking part; carry out by actual efforts; do sth. persistently without letup; earnestly practise what one advocates; earnestly practise; practise what one preaches; proceed with determination; 身外之物 external things that are not physically connected with oneself; mere worldly possessions; 身无分文 not to have a single penny left on; be broke to the wide [world]; be stone-broke [flat broke]; without a cash in one's pocket; 身先士卒 be in the van of one's officers and men; charge at the head of one's men; lead one's men in a charge; 身陷囹圄 be thrown into jail [prison]; 身心 body and mind; 身心交瘁 be mentally and physically exhausted; in a state of complete bodily and mental prostration; 身影 a person's silhouette; form; figure; 身孕 pregnancy; 身在福中不知福 Growing up in happiness, one often fails to appreciate what happiness really means.; not to appreciate the happy life one enjoys; 身正不怕影子斜 stand straight and never mind if the shadow inclines; A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.; A clean head wants no washing.; A clear conscience laughs at false accusation.; A good anvil does not fear the hammer.; 身子 [口] body; 身子骨儿 [方] one's health; physique


(构词成分): ~ 毒 [- dú] [旧] old translated term for India: 大夏东南有~ 毒国(史记)。 To the southeast of the Xia Dynasty there existed a country named India (Book of History).
另见 see also shēn。







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