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单词 称王称霸

称王称霸chēng wáng chēng bà

act like overlords;act the tyrant; be a cock of the walk (/school/loft/dunghill); be bossy; dominate (/domineer) and swashbuckle; domineer over (others); lord (/king)it over; play the boss (/despot/hegemonic overlord/tyrant/overlord); ride roughshod over; rule supreme(/the roost/like a king)
❍ 周总理多次对外宾讲,如果中国将来变修,变成一个超级大国,也在世界上~,世界人民就应当起来揭露它,反对它,并且同中国人民一道打倒它。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ —174) The Premier told foreign guests on many occasions that if one day China should turn revisionist and become a superpower,if she too should act the tyrant in the world,the people of the world should expose it,oppose it and work together with the Chinese people to overthrow it.
❍ 你手里又有了钱,离着我们又远,你就为王称霸起来,夜夜招聚匪类赌钱,养老婆小子。(《红楼梦》668)With money in your hands and us at a safe distance,you lord it over everyone,night after night assembling a pack of scoundrels—gamblers,debauchees or queers.
❍ 共产党员决不可自以为是,盛气凌人,以为自己是什么都好,别人是什么都不好; 决不可把自己关在小房子里,自吹自擂,~。(《毛泽东选集》767)A Communist must never be opinionated or domi neering,or think that he is good in everything while others are good in nothing; he must never shut himself up in his little room,or brag and boast and lord it over others.


playing tyrant;seeking hegemony


lord it over others

称王称霸chēnɡ wánɡ chēnɡ bà

比喻专横跋扈,独断专行。也比喻狂妄地以领袖自居。king it over, play the despot, lord it over, rule supreme, rule the roost





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