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单词 眉清目秀

眉清目秀méi qīng mù xiù

have a handsome and refined faces have delicate (/good/well-chiselled)features
❍ 看那人时,似秀才打扮,……生得~,面白须长。(《水浒全传》 161) The man had the appearance of a scholar...His handsome and refined face was adorned with a long beard.
❍ 我看这孩子~,五官端正。叫他多念几年书吧! (梁斌《红旗谱》 43)Buthe's bright eyed and has good features. You should give him a few years more in school! /侦察员田昌茂恰恰同盂二虎相反,长得~,身材匀称,说话爱讲个名词,遇事爱追个根由。(杨佩瑾 《剑》 23) Tian Changmao was just the opposite of Meng Erhu. Slightly built and handsome,he was fond of throwing in some new-fangied terms in his conversation and liked to get to the bottom of a matter.
❍ 说着出去,一会儿,果然带了个后生来,比宝玉略瘦些,~,粉面朱唇,身材俊俏,举止风流,似更在宝玉之上; …… (《红楼梦》88) With that,he fetched in a lad more slightly built than Baoyu yet even more handsome,with fine features,a fair complexion,red lips,a graceful figure and pleasing manners,

眉清目秀méi qīnɡ mù xiù

形容人的容貌清秀美丽。have delicate features, have finely chiselled features, have beautiful eyes





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