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单词 shall
shall/ ⨜ əl,⨜ æl/ mod v (尤 BrE)[shan't/ ⨜ɑ:nt/,should/ ⨜ ʊd/,shouldn't/′⨜ ʊdnt/]

(1)将(表示预言)(indicating future predictions):This time tomorrow I~be sitting in the classroom. 明天此时我正在教室里坐着。S~we see you next week? 我们下周能看见你吗?We shan't know the results until next Tuesday. 我们到下周二才能知道结果。I~have finished my work by the end of next month. 到下月底我将完成我的工作。I said I should be there on time. 我说过我将准时到达。

(2)(表示意愿或决心)(indicating will or determination)(fml):I~go out if I feel like it. 如果我想出去我就一定要出去。He~be given a fair trial. 他将受到公正的审判。You~have your money back on Friday. 星期五会把钱还给你的。The enemy~not pass.绝不能放敌人过去。He insisted that the papers should be destroyed. 他坚持那些文件一定要销毁。

(3)(表示征求对方意见或建议)(indicating offers or suggestions):S~I open the window for you? 我来为你打开窗户好吗?What~we do tonight? 今天晚上我们干什么?Where~we go now? 我们现在去哪里?Let's read the text again,~we? 我们把课文再读一遍好吗?

(4)(表示命令或指示)(indicating orders or instructions) (fml): All foreign residents~have reported to the nearest police station by September 20. 所有外籍居民都应在9月20日前到最近的派出所报到。Each competitor~wear a number. 每位参赛者都应佩戴号码。House owners~keep their gardens in a neat and orderly state. 房主应使自己的花园保持整洁。

【用法】在正式的口语和书面语中,以及在大多数受过教育的人的非正式口语中,shall 仅限于用于第一人称单数和复数(AmE 中此时用will,现代BrE也越来越倾向于用will),如:I/We shall go.(我/我们将去。)其他人称用 will,如:You/He/She/It/they will go.(你/他/她/它/他们将去。)在这种文体中,shall与I 和we 以外的其他人称连用时表示说话人的决心或命令,如:You shall go even if you don't want to.(即使你不想走你也得走。)有时shall与第一人称单复数连用时也表示同样的意义:I/We shall return.(我/我们一定要回来。)






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