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❶ (知道) know; realize; be aware of: 强不 ~ 以为 ~ pretend to know what one doesn't know; 无所不 ~ know everything; omniscient; ~ 其然并力求 ~ 其所以然 know the how and endeavour to know the why; 若要人不 ~; 除非己莫为。 If you don't want people to know it, the best way is not to do it. 这种方法我们已不 ~ 试了多少次。 We've tried this method for no one knows how many times.
❷ (使知道) inform; notify; tell: 通 ~ 大家下午去开会 notify everybody to attend the meeting this afternoon
❸ (旧指主管) administer; be in charge of: ~ 府 magistrate of a district; ~ 县 official administering a county; county magistrate Ⅱ (知识) knowledge; information: 求 ~ seek knowledge; 出于无 ~ from ignorance; without information
◆知道 know; realize; be aware of; 知底 know the inside story; be in the know; 知法犯法 know the law but break it; deliberately to break [flout] the law; knowingly violate the law; willfully to commit an offense; 知府 [旧] magistrate of a prefecture; 知更鸟 robin; red ̄ breast; 知己 bosom friend; intimate; understanding; bosom [intimate] friend; 知己知彼 know yourself as well as the enemy; He knows of the other as much as the other knows of him.; know both ourselves and our adversaries; know one's own and the enemy's situation [strength]; 知己知彼, 百战百胜 To know one's own strength and the enemy's is the sure way to victory.; One who knows his own strength and that of the enemy is invincible in battle.; 知己知彼, 百战不殆 Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.; 知交 bosom [intimate] friend; 知觉 consciousness; esthesia; aesthesia; {心} perception; ken; 知客 person in charge of reception at ceremonies; monk in charge of monastery reception; 知了 {动} cicada; 知名 well- known; noted; celebrated; famous; 知名度 awareness; celebrity; 知母 rhizoma anemarrhenae; 知难而进 advance despite difficulties; go upstream undauntedly; keep advancing in defiance of [in spite of] difficulties; press [go] ahead [forward] in the face of difficulties; 知难而退 beat a retreat in the face of difficulties; Aware of the overwhelming odds against him, he retired from the scene.; retreat before the impossible; shrink back from [before] difficulties; withdraw [quit] after learning of the difficulties; 知其一, 不知其二 be aware of one aspect but ignorant of the other; have only a one - sided view; have only a partial understanding of a situation; know only one aspect of a thing; know sth. about a thing but not enough to count; 知青 [简] (知识青年) school graduates; 知情 know the facts of a case or the details of an incident; be in the know; 知情人 person in the know; insider; 知趣 know how to behave in a delicate situation; be sensible; be tactful; 知人善任 know one's subordinates well enough to assign them jobs commensurate with their abilities; discover able people and put them at suitable posts; know one's subordinates and make good use of them; Personnel must be carefully appraised and properly placed.; 知人之明 ability to appreciate a person's character and capability; a keen insight into a person's character; capacity to judge a person's qualities; the widom to know others; 知事 magistrate of a county; 知识 knowledge; know-how; science; pertaining to learning or culture; intellectual; 知识产权 intellectual property; intellectual assets; 知识分子 intellectual; the intelligentsia; professional(s); professional men and women; 知识渊博 have a wide range of knowledge; a large stock of information; be erudited [learned]; 知书达理 (指人) highly cultured and steeped in propriety; educated and reasonable; 知疼着热 look after sb. with meticulous care; feel for another person like for oneself; be very much concerned about each other's welfare, health, comfort, feelings, etc.; 知无不言 speak without reserve; be very frank; say all one knows; speak by the card; 知无不言, 言无不尽 Say all you know and say it without reserve.; If I know of it, I'll speak.; If I speak at all, I'll tell all I know.; pour out all one knows without reservation; tell the truth and the whole truth; 知悉 know; learn; be informed of; 知县 [旧] magistrate of a county; 知心 intimate; understanding; 知行 {哲} knowing and doing; 知行合一 Knowledge and action should go hand in hand.; Knowledge and action are one.; 知音 a friend keenly appreciative of one's talents; bosom friend; 知遇 have found a patron or superior appreciative of one's ability; 知照 inform; notify; tell; 知之为知之 Don't pretend to know what you don't know.; know what one really understands; 知子莫如父 No one knows a man better than his own father.; 知足 be content with one's lot; 知足常乐[足] A man who is contented will be happy.; A contented mind is a perpetual feast.; Content is happiness.; Enough is as good as a feast.; Happiness consists in contentment.; He who is contented is always happy.





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