释义 |
parkn. 1.a tract of land surrounding a mansion,kept as apleasure-ground宅外园地。 △Shr.4.1.133(130): “DidI not bid thee meet me in the park...?”我不是叫你到大门口接我的吗? 2. piece of ground enclosed and stored with beasts ofchase. enclosed hunting ground猎苑,猎场。 △3H.VI.45.2:“Leave off to wonder why I drew you hitherInto this chiefest thicket of the park.”请不要觉得奇怪,我为什么把你们领到猎苑的这个最茂密的丛林中来。 △3H.VI.5.2.24: “My parks,my walks,my manors that Ihad,/ Even now forsake me;”我的猎场,我的园林,我曾经拥有的府邸,现在全都弃我而去。
parkvt. enclose围住。 △1H.VI.4.2.45:“How are weparked and bounded in a pale,/ A little herd ofEngland's timorous deer,”我们多么像一小群英国的胆怯的鹿,在围场里被团团围住、关了起来。 park[pɑ:k]n.(公)园,(停车)场,炮场,停机坪v.停放车辆 ‖ ball park球场 park fee停车费 park rider不太懂骑术的人 park seat身体重心居中的骑坐姿势 parking apron (pad)停机坪 parking brake停车制动 parking brake handle停机刹车操纵杆 parking ground (lots)停车场 parking lights边灯 parking offences违反停车规则 parking ramp (space)停机坪 |