释义 |
parlen. 1. signal for a parley,i.e.trumpet call to a confer-ence to discuss terms谈判号。 △3H.VI.5.1.16:“Go,trumpet. to the walls and sound a parle.”去,喇叭手,到城墙边吹起谈判号。 2. parley,conference. discussion of terms under atruce,conference with a view to coming to an agree-ment会谈,停战讨论条件,谈判。 △H.V.3.3.2:“This isthe latest parle we will admit;”这是我允许的最后一次谈判。 △Ham.1.1.62: “So frowned he once,when,inan angry parle,/ He smote the sledded Polacks on theice.”他脸上的那一副怒容,正像有一次谈判决裂,他把乘橇的波兰人在冰上痛击那样。 3. talk,conversation谈话,对话。 △Gent.1.2.5: “ev-ery day with parle encounter me,”每天前来和我见面谈话。 △Ham.1.3.123:“a command to parle.” i.e. acommand to speak with him. 召见谈话。 |