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❶ (眼睛) eye: 瞪了他一 ~ give him a hard look; 假 ~ artificial eye; 两 ~ 无神 with dull eyes; 亲 ~ 所见 see with one's own eyes; 瞥了他一 ~ shoot a glance at him; 一夜没合 ~ have not slept a wink the whole night; 独 ~ 总比全瞎好。 Better to have one eye than be blind altogether. 她两 ~ 含泪。 Her eyes were wet with tears.
❷ (小洞; 窟窿) small hole; aperture: 打个 ~ bore a hole; 耳朵 ~ 儿 earhole; 泉 ~ the mouth of a spring; 网 ~ mesh (of a net); 针 ~ the eye of a needle; 炮 ~ porthole; borehole; 钮 ~ buttonhole
❸ (事物的关键所在) key point: 节骨 ~ 儿 critical juncture
❹ {围棋} (成片的白子或黑子中间的空儿) trap
❺ (戏曲中的拍子) an unaccented beat in traditional Chinese music: 一板三 ~ one accented beat and three unaccented beats in a bar
❻ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 宁 Yan Ning Ⅱ (用于井等): 两 ~ 井 two wells; 这 ~ 泉干涸了。The spring has run dry.
◆眼巴巴 look on with eager eyes; (expecting) eagerly; anxiously; helplessly; 眼白 [方] the white of the eye; 眼病 eye disease; oculopathy; 眼不见, 心不烦 What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve for.; Out of sight, out of mind.; 眼岔 mistake one for another; 眼馋 [方] covet; be envious; 眼眵 gum; gum in the eyes; 眼底 {解} fundus; eye ground; fundus oculi; 眼底镜 {医} ophthalmoscope; 眼底下 right before one's eyes; at the moment; 眼点 {动} stigma (pl. stigmata); eyespot; 眼福 the good fortune of seeing sth. rare or beautiful; 眼干症 {医} xerophthalmia; 眼高手低 have grandiose aims but puny abilities; be fastidious but imcompetent; great ambition but little talent; have sharp eyes in criticizing others but clumsy hands in doing things oneself; high in aim but low- rate in execution; 眼膏 oculentum (pl. oculenta); 眼观六路, 耳听八方 keep one's eyes and ears open; be all attention; be all eyes and ears; 眼光 eye; sight; foresight; insight; vision; view; way of looking at things; 眼红 covet; be envious; be jealous; furious; 眼花 have dim eyesight; have blurred vision; 眼花缭乱 see things in a blur; be dazzled; dazzle the eyes; the eyes confused — by looking at many things; 眼肌 musculus ocularis; musculi oculi; 眼疾手快 sharp eyes and agile hands or nimble fingers; acquitting oneself of one's duties well and quick or handling matters with despatch; 眼尖 be sharp- eyed; have sharp eyes; 眼睑 {解} eyelid; blephar; palpebra (pl. palpebrae); blepharon (pl. blephara); blepharo-, blephar-; 眼见得 [方] (of sth. unpleasant) be evident; 眼角 canthus (pl. canthi); the corner of the eye; canth(o)-; 眼界 field of vision [view]; outlook; 眼镜 eyeglass; glasses; ocular; spectacles; 眼镜蛇 cobra; naja; elapoid; elapid; 眼睛 eye; lamp; opto-; 眼看 soon; in a moment; watch helplessly; look on passively; 眼科 {医} ophthalmology; 眼科学 ophthalmo ̄ logy; 眼眶 eye socket; orbit; rim of the eye; 眼泪 tears; eyedrop; water; waterwork; 眼泪汪汪 One's eyes swam in tears.; eyes brimming [streaming] with tears; full of tears; having eyes damp with tears; 眼力 eyesight; vision; judgment; discrimination; 眼里 within one's vision; in one's eyes; 眼帘 eye; 眼眉 [方] brow; 眼明手快 quick of eye and deft of hand; alert; clearly discerning, swift-handed; 眼目 eyes; spy who reports to sb. what he sees; 眼皮 eyelid; 眼皮底下 under one's eyes; under the nose of someone; 眼前 bofore one's eyes; at the momet; at present; now; 眼球 {生理} eyeball; bulbus oculi; orb; 眼圈 eye socket; orbit rim of the eye; 眼热 covet; be envious; 眼色 hint given with the eyes; meaningful glance; wink; 眼神 expression in one's eyes; light; 眼神 [方] meaningful glance; wink; 眼生 look unfamiliar; 眼屎 [方] gum (in the eyes); 眼熟 look familiar; 眼跳 twitching of the eyelid; 眼窝 eye socket; eyehole; orbita [拉]; socket of eyeball; eyecup; 眼下 at the moment; at present; now; {生理} subocular; 眼线 police informer leading to culprit's hide-out; 眼压 intraocular pressure; 眼药 medicament for the eyes; eye ointment; eyedrops; 眼晕 feel dizzy; 眼罩 eyeshade; blinkers; blind pack; blinder; patch; eyecells; 眼睁睁 helplessly; unfeelingly; 眼中钉, 肉中刺 a thorn in sb.'s flesh; a pest and a thorn in the flesh; 眼珠子 [口] eyeball; 眼拙 [套] not remember if one has seen sb. before


❶eye; ophthalmos; oculus(pl. oculi)
❷ocular system





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