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单词 公事公办

公事公办gōng shì gōng bàn

business is business;do official business according to official principles;not let personal considerations interfere with one's execution of public duty; official matters should be dealt with officially; official business,official methods; public affairs should be strictly managed
❍ 装水吧?装米吧?管它呢! ~,你驾预备下就是了! 反正家里也得用。(陶承《我的一家》32) Who knows. Pcrhaps to put water or rice in. Anyway,business is business.So get the things ready. I'm sure you can find a use for them at home.
❍ 那时候是,“~”,那是,……你简直…… (《鲁迅选集》上一163) But then the case will be dealt with publicly,and nobody's feelings will be spared…That being so…/谁希罕你记功劳呢? ~就好了。(茅盾《子夜》375) Who do you think cares a straw for your "merits"? I'm doing my job and I'll be satisfied if everybod y p lays fair!/陈大春这样地说,口气还是含着~的味儿,一点特殊情分也没有。(周立波《山乡巨变》 183) Chen Dachun's tone suggested that official matters should be dealt with officially and gave no hint of any special feeling.
❍ 张婆婆还是笑呵呵地:“保长先生,还是看一看,~嘛!”(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》11)"“Take a look,master ward chief," the old woman urged with a laugh. "Official business,official methods.”/这叫 ‘两丁抽一’。我也是~嘛! (金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》10) ‘If two sons,one can go.’ We officials can't break the law.

公事公办gong shi gong ban

do official business according to official principles

公事公办ɡōnɡ shì ɡōnɡ bàn

公事按照公家的规矩办理,不讲私人情面。do official business according to official principles, Business is business.





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