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❶ (属于国家或集体的) state- owned;collective;public:~ 物 public possessions;~ 关 public relations
❷ (共同的;大家承认的) common;general:~分母 common denominator;~ 约 convention;pact
❸ (属于国际间的) international:~ 制 the metric system;~ 斤 kilogramme
❹ (公平;公正) equitable;fair and just;impartial:办事不 ~ unjust in one's manner of doing things;
大 ~ 无私 selfless;unselfish
❺ (雄性的) male (animal):~ 鸭 drake Ⅱ (使公开) make public;publicize:~ 之于众 make known to the public Ⅲ ❶ (公事;公务) public affairs;official business:办 ~ attend to official duties;
因 ~ 出差 take a trip on official business
❷ (集体) authority;collective:交 ~ turn over to the authorities;
归 ~ be turned over to the collective
❸ (封建五等爵位的第一等) duke
❹ (对老年男子的尊称):李 ~ the revered Mr. Li
❺ (丈夫的父亲;公公) husband's father;father-in-law
❻ (姓氏) a surname:~ 俭 Gong Jian
◆公哀 a surname;
公安 public security;
公案 [旧] complicated legal case;
公办 state-run;
公报 communiqué;bulletin;
公报私仇 use one's position to get even with another person for a private grudge;abuse public power to retaliate against a personal enemy;avenge a personal wrong in the name of public interests;use the power of the state for one's own private revenge;
公倍 common multiple;
公倍数 {数} common multiple;
公比 {数} common ratio (of a geometric series);
公宾 a surname;
公伯 a surname;
公布 promulgate;announce;publish;make public [known];compartition;
公测度 common measure;
公差 {数} common difference;{机} allowable error;allowance;tolerance;limit;remedy allowance;
公差 public errand;noncombatant duty;a person on a public errand;
公产 public property;
公车 a surname;
公称 nominal;rated;indicated;
公乘 a surname;
公尺 meter;metre (m.);
公铸 a surname;
公畴 a surname;
公出 be away on official business;
公畜 male animal (kept for breeding);stud;
公石 hectolitre;
公担 quintal (q.);metric hundred weight;metric centner (= 100 公斤);公道 (正义) justice;
公道 (公平) fair;just;reasonable;impartial;
公德 social morality;social ethics;a surname;
公敌 public enemy;common enemy;
公敌行为 act of public enemies;
公地 [美] public domain;common land;ejido;
公丁香 flos caryophylli;
公都 a surname;
公堵 a surname;
公断 arbitration;
公吨 metric ton (MT);tonne;
公鹅 gander;
公而忘私 selfless;Public business comes before private affairs.;so devoted to public service as to forget one's own [private] interests;forget selfishness in the interest of the public;
公法 {律} public law;[拉] jus publicum;
公法人 legal person of public law;
公法线 common nomal;
公方代表 representatives of state ownership;
公房 public house;a surname;
公费 at public expense;at state expense;
公费留学 state-financed student studying abroad;
公费旅游 travel at public expense;
公费医疗 free medical treatment;free medical care;
公分 centimetre (cm.); gram(me) (g.); 公分母 {数} common demominator;
公分式 {数} common fraction;
公愤 public indignation;popular anger;
公甫 a surname;
公父 a surname;
公干 business;
公斡 a surname;
公告 announcement;public announcement;proclamation;notice;public notice;
公告日期 declaration date;
公根 {数} common root;
公共 public;common;communal;
公共道德 public morality;public morals;
公共服务(事业) public service;
公共交通 mass transit;public transit;
公共汽车 bus;autobus;motorbus;omnibus;
公共数据网 public data network (PDN);
公共卫生 public health;public hygiene;
公共卫生学家 sanitarian;
公共用户系统 common user system; 公共组织 community organization;
公公 husband's father;father-in-law;[方] grandfather;grandpa;grandad;
公估人 {保险} loss assessor;assessor;
公股 government share (in a joint state-private enterprise);
公(共)关(系) public relations (PR);
公关部 public relations department;
公关顾问 public relations consultant;PR advisers;
公关活动 PR activities;
公关经理 manager of PR;
公关纠纷 dispute of PR;
公关礼仪 etiquette of PR;
公关媒介 media of PR;
公关目标 PR goal;
公关评估 evaluation of public relations;
公关先生 (the) public relation man;
公关小姐 (the) public relation girl;
公关意识 consciousness of public relations;
公关专家 expert of public relations; 公馆 residence (of a rich or important person);mansion;
公国 duchy;dukedom;principality;
公海 international waters;high seas;blue water;mare liberum;open sea;
公害 pollution nuisance;public nuisance;public disaster;public hazard;nuisance kogai;social effects of pollution;environmental pollution;
公函 official letter;official document;missive;
公翰 a surname;
公户 a surname;
公扈 a surname;
公会 society;
公会运费率 conference rate;
公火鸡 tom;
公积金 public accumulation funds;public reserve funds;common reserve funds;common accumulation fund;accumulation fund;surplus;central provident fund;
公鸡 cock;rooster;
公祭 public memorial ceremony;pay respect to a deceased person by holding a memorial service;public sacrifice;
公假 leave of absence to attend to public affairs;
公家 [口] the state;the public;the organization;
公坚 a surname;
公检法 public security organs,procuratorial organs and people's courts ;公建 a surname;
公交 [简] (公共交通) transit;
公教人员 [旧] government employees and teachers;
公斤 kilogram (kg.);kilo;
公矩阵 {经} identity matrix;
公爵 duke;
公开 open;overt;public;make public;make known to the public;open to the public;
公开审判 open trial;
公开市场 open market;market overt;
公开招标 public bidding;
公款 public money;public funds;government expense;
公款吃喝 banquet paid by public funds;
公厘 millimetre (mm.);
公理 generally acknowledged truth;self-evident truth;{数} axiom;postulate;
公理化 axiomatization;axiomatize;
公理会 Congregational Church;
公里 kilometre (km.);
公历 the Gregorian calendar;
公例 general rule;
公立 established and maintained by the government;public;
公粮 agricultural tax paid in grain;grain delivered to the state;public grain;grain to be collected from the peasants;
公良 a surname;
公量 {纺} conditioned weight;
公羚羊 ram;
公路 highway;driveway;trafficway;road;highroad;
公鹿 stag;
公驴 dickey;dicky;jack;jackass;
公论 public opinion;verdict of the masses [of public opinion];公马 stallion;
公买公卖 be fair in buying and selling;
公猫 tom;
公绵羊 ram;heder (pl. hadarim);
公民 citizen;civil;
公民权 civil rights;
公民投票 referendum;
公亩 are;
公墓 cemetery;
公牛 bull;ox;toro;a surname;
公判大会 judgment pronouncement rally;
公平 fair;just;impartial;equitable;justice;
公平待人 deal fairly with sb.;give sb. one's due;
公平对待 not to make chalk of one and cheese of the other;be impartial to ...;
公平合理 fair and reasonable;fair and square;just and reasonable;
公平竞争 fair competition;
公平贸易 fair trade;
公婆 husband's father and mother;parents-in-law;
公仆 public servant;
公切线 {数} common tangent;
公勤人员 service personnel in an office;
公顷 hectare (ha.);
公邱 a surname;
公仇 a surname;
公权 public rights;
公然 openly;undisguisedly;brazenly;
公认 universally [generally] acknowledged;(universally,generally) accepted;established;
公沙 a surname;
公山 a surname;
公山羊 ram;
公上 a surname;
公社 primitive commune;commune;people's commune;
公设 {逻} {数} postulate;postulation;
公审 {律} public [open] trial;
公升 litre;
公使 envoy;minister;
公使衔参赞 counsellor with the rank of minister;minister-counsellor;
公式 formula;expression;
公式处理 formula manipulation;
公式翻译 formula translation;
公式化 formulism (in art and literature);be stereotyped;formulistic;stereotyped;formulation;formulating;formularize;
公事 public affairs;official business;
公事公办 Public business affairs should be strictly managed.;A public business should be attended to with strictness.;do official business according to official principles;not let private affairs interfere with public duty;not let personal considerations interfere with one's execution of public duty;Business is business.;Public affairs should be conducted in an orthodox way.;
公是公,私是私 Business is business,friends are friends.;
公叔 a surname;
公署 government office;
公说公有理,婆说婆有理 Each says he is right.;There is much to be said on both sides.;Both parties claim to be in the right.;
公私不分 not distinguish what is one's own and what is public;not make a clear distinction between public and private interests;
公私分明 be scrupulous in separating public from private interests;
公私关系 relations between the state and private sectors of the economy;
公私合营 public-private joint management;joint public and private ownership of individual enterprises;public-private operation;joint state-private ownership;joint state-private management;joint state-private operations;
公私兼顾 take both public and private interests into account;take into consideration both public and private interests;give consideration to both public and private interests;
公私交锋 Selfish interests and a sense of civic duty will contend.;
公私两便 advantageous to both public and private interest;
公私矛盾论 thesis of “the contradictions between public and private interests”;公司 corporation;incorporation;company;
公司会计 corporation accountant;
公司名称 company's name;
公司税 corporation tax;
公司债券 corporate security;corporate bonds and debentures;
公司债券溢价 bond premium;
公司债券折价 bond discount;
公司章程 charter of company;
公诉 {律} public prosecution;
公孙 (穴位) Gongsun (SP 4);a surname;
公摊 equally shared by all;
公堂 law court;tribunal;
公铁路交叉 highway-railway crossings;
公同传动 common drive;
公团 gemeinwesen;community;
公推 recommend by general acclaim;
公佗 a surname;
公为 a surname;
公文 official document;
公物 public property;assets;
公务 public affairs;official business;
公务繁冗 be overburdened with official duties;
公务羁身 be tied down [up] by one's duties;
公务员 public functionary;orderly;a person with official functions;
公皙 a surname;
公西 a surname;
公隙值 amount of looseness;
公夏 a surname;
公弦 {数} common chord;
公休 general holiday;official holiday;public holiday;a surname;
公学 public school;
公鸭 drake;
公演 perform in public;give a performance publicly;
公羊 ram;a surname;
公养 public raising (of animals);
公冶 a surname;
公仪 a surname;
公意 public will;will of the public;
公益 public good;public welfare;
公议 public [mass] discussion;
公因数 {数} common factor;
公因子 {数} common factor;
公营 public-owned;public-operated;public;
公盈配合 pinch fit;
公用 for public [common] use;public;communal;
公用数据网络 public data network;
公用投币式电话服务 public coin telephone service;
公有 publicly-owned;public;
公有化 transfer to pubic ownership;socialization;
公有制 public ownership;
公渔权 common fishery;
公玉 a surname;
公寓 flats;apartment house;apartment;housing;rookery;lodging house;
公寓式旅馆 apartment hotel;
公元 the Christian era;
公园 park;public garden;
公约 convention;treaty;pact;joint pledge;collectively agreed-upon regulations within a work-unit;
公约数 {数} common divisor;common measure;
公允 just and sound;fair and equitable;fair and just;evenhanded;
公债 government bonds;state loan;government loan;public loan;
公章 official seal;common seal;
公正 just;fair;impartial;fair-minded;righteous;a surname;
公正持平 fair and honest;just and upright;
公正待人 be just [fair] to a person;
公正价格 just price;
公正[平]无私 be impartial to ...;
公正友好解决 just and amicable settlement;
公证 notarization;public notary;
公证处 (the) notarizing service;
公证机关 notary organs;
公证鉴定 notarial survey; 公证人 notary public;notary;
公之 a surname;
公之于世 make known to the world;reveal to the public;
公职 public office;public employment;
公制 the metric system;
公仲 a surname;
公众 the public;public;
公众马,公众骑 Public horses are for the public to ride.;
公朱 a surname;
公众舆论 public opinion;
公猪 boar;
公诸同好 share enjoyment with those having similar tastes;let others with the same taste share ...;share enjoyment with those of the same taste;let others with same taste share or appreciate;
公诸于世 make public to the world;make known to the world;reveal to the public;
公诸于众 make public;
公主 princess;[葡] infanta;
公转 {天} revolution;
公准 {逻} postulate;
公子 son of a feudal prince or high official;a surname;
公子哥儿 a playboy;a pampered son of a wealthy or influential family;
公字当头 put public interest to the fore;
公族 a surname;
公祖 a surname





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