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❶ (互相) each other; one another; mutually: 奔走 ~ 告 lose no time in telling each other the news; 素不 ~ 识 not know each other; ~ 距太远 too far apart; 龟蛇二山隔江 ~ 望。 Tortoise and Snake Hills face each other across the river.
❷ (表示一方对另一方的动作): 好言 ~ 劝 advise sb. with kind words; 另眼 ~ 看 look upon sb. with special respect or concern; view sb. in a new, more favourable light; 实不 ~ 瞒 to tell you the truth; 以礼 ~ 待 treat sb. with due respect Ⅱ (亲自观看是否合意) see for oneself (whether sb. or sth. is to one's liking): ~ 女婿 take a look at one's prospective son-in-law Ⅲ ❶ [书] (质; 实质) quality
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 世芳 Xiang Shifang
另见 see also xiànɡ。
◆相安 live in peace with each other; 相安无事 live together peacefully; at peace; live in peace with each other; live harmoniously in peace; The two get along well enough without any trouble.; 相伴 together; 相帮 [方] help; aid; 相抱而哭 weep in each other's arms; (They) wept throwing their arms about each other.; 相比 compare with; match; 相比之下, 方见其长 gain by contrast; 相伯仲 be much the same; 相差 differ; 相差无几 not much difference between (the two); very nearly the same; little [slight] difference; 相差悬殊 differ greatly; a wide [tremendous] difference; 相称 match; suit; be commensurate to; be worthy of; fit; 相成 complement [supplement] each other; 相乘 {数} multiply; {中医} subjugation or encroachment in five elements; 相持 be locked in a stalemate; refuse to budge; 相持不下[决] Each sticks to his own stand.; be locked in a stalemate; Both are locked in mortal combat.; Both hold their ground, neither yielding.; Each refuses to yield.; Neither party will give in.; not to yield to each other; persistently opposing each other with neither giving way; 相斥 exclution; reprehend each other; mutually repel; 相处 get along with (each other); get on; live together; 相传 tradition has it that ...; according to legend; hand down; pass on; 相当 match; balance; correspond to; be equivalent to; be equal to; be commensurate with [to]; 相得益彰 make the old and new contrast and complement each other; benefit by associating together;bring out the best in each other; by mutual help and co-ordinated effort, the two work together to better advantage than ever before; complement each other; Each improves by association with the other.; Each shines more brilliantly in the other's company.; Mutual support increases efficiency.; 相等 equation; equality; equal; be equal to; 相抵 offset; balance; neutralize [cancel] each other; counterbalance; 相都失色 Both ... and ... turned pale.; 相对 opposite; face to face; relative; relatively; comparatively; 相对论 {物} the theory of relativity; relativity; relativity theory; 相对默然 confront each other in silence; 相对无言 sit facing each other in silence; fall silent with each other; The two sat opposite each other saying nothing.; (They) looked at one another but made no remark.; 相对性 relativity; 相反 opposite; contrary; adverse; reverse; inverse; on the contrary; opposed; polar; {中医} antagonism; incompatibility between two drugs; 相反相成 be both opposite and complementary (to each other); oppose each other and yet also complement each other; 相仿 similar; much alike; more or less the same; 相逢 meet (by chance); come across; come face to face with each other; 相符 conform to; tally with; agree with; correspond to; 相辅而行 coordinate; go together; be complementary to each other; 相辅商品 complementary goods; 相辅相成 exist side by side and play a part together; be inseparably interconnected; be supplementary to each other; complement each other (simultaneously); These two things are complementary.; 相辅要求 complementary demand; 相干 have to do with; be concerned with; {物} coherent; 相隔 be separated by; be apart; be at a distance of; 相顾而笑 They both laughed, looking into each other's eyes.; 相顾失色 look at each other in fear [dismay]; change colour; looking at each other; stare at each other in terror; 相关 be interrelated; be related to; be bound up with; correlation; dependence; relevance; mutuality; 相关成本 related cost; relevant cost; 相关程序 relative program; 相规以善 persuade sb. to take the good path; 相好 be on familiar terms; be on intimate terms; intimate friend; have an affair with; lover (男); mistress (女); 相合 fit; conform to; agree with; 相互 mutual; reciprocal; each other; 相互关联 correlate (with; to); correlartive; 相互敬爱 mutually respect each other; 相互谅解 understand one another; 相互戮戕 cut one another's throat; 相互抬价 outbid each other; 相互倾轧 get locked in strife; jostle against each other; try to do each other down; 相互为用 reinforce each other; 相互拥抱 throw themselves into each other's arms; embrace each other; 相互作用 interact; interreaction; interaction; interactivity; interplay; coactions; 相会 meet; tryst; 相火妄动 liver-kidney irritation; 相继 in succession; one after another; 相继不绝 continue uninterruptedly; in succession; one after another; 相继而来[至] come one after the other; arrive in succession; 相继而起 One event treads close on another.; 相继死亡 die off; die one after another; 相加 addition; adding; add together; 相煎太急 torment a person too hard; bitter against each other; internal stuggle (as between brothers); 相见 meet (in person); 相见恨晚 regret we didn't meet sooner; It is much to be regretted that we could [did] not meet earlier.; regret not to have known sb. before; 相间 alternate with; 相交 intersect; be friends; make friends with; associate with; {计} intersection; crossing; crossover; 相接 join; connect with; meet; 相近 close; near; in the neighbourhood of; be similar to; be close to; 相惊伯有 raise false alarms out of [for] nothing; frighten oneself without reason; 相敬如宾 (of husband and wife) to be always courteous to each other like “guests”; respect each other like guests; proper respect and concern between husband and wife; treat each other with the respect due to guest; 相敬相爱 love and respect (each other); be attached to each other very intimately; love each other deeply; mutual respect and affection; 相聚一堂 get together (in a hall); 相距 apart; at a distance of; away from; 相克 restriction or checking relation in five elements; 相联 association; 相连 be linked together; be joined; 相邻 adjoin; adjoining; adjacent; 相配 match up; 相配取穴 {中医} principle of point association; 相碰 collide with; bump against; 相扑 {体} sumo; 相嵌接合 halved joint; 相切 tangency; contact; contiguity; touch; (of surfaces) come into contact; 相亲 blind date; 相亲相爱 be deeply attached to each other; be kind to each other and love each other; love each other devotedly; 相去不远 not far from each other; very close; nearby; 相去天渊 as far apart as the sky and the sea; 相去[差]无几 be somewhat on a par with; about equal; pretty much the same; there is not much difference (between the two).; without much difference; 相劝 persuade; offer advice; 相扰 disturb; bother; 相忍为国 Each party must make some concessions to the other for the sake of the country.; Each must exercise forbearance for the good of the country.; 相容 consistent; compatible; tolerant; 相濡以沫 mutual help and relief in time of poverty; help each other when both are in humble circumstances; 相杀 {中医} mutual-detoxication; removal of the toxic properties of another drug or ingredient; 相商 consult with; talk over with; 相生 interpromoting relation in five elements; 相生相克 reinforce [counteract] each other; mutual promotion and restraint between the five elements; mutually to reinforce [neutralize] each other; 相时而动 adapt oneself to circumstances; wait for the proper moment for action; 相识 be acquainted with each other; acquaintance; 相视而笑 smile into each other's eyes; smile at each other; 相视莫逆 underrupted friends; 相率 one after another; 相思 yearning between lovers; lovesickness; be lovesick; 相思病 lovesickness; 相思豆 jequirity; jumble-beads; 相思鸟 red-billed leiothrix; 相思树 acacia rachii; 相思子 {植} jequirity; jequirity bean; love pea; ormosia seed; love pea; 相似 resemble; be similar; be alike; similarity; similitude; analogue; 相提并论 put [place] on a par with; be mentioned in the same breath with; be placed in the same category; be regarded as being in the same category; speak of two things in the same breath; 相通 communicate with each other; be interlinked; 相同 identical; the same; alike; equal; 相投 be congenial; agree with each other; 相违 part; disagree (in opinion); 相为表里 forming an integral part; The outside is in conformity with [in agreement with] the inside.; 相畏 mutual restraint between two drugs; incompatibility; 相侮 violation or reverse restriction in five elements; 相恶 mutual inhibition; weakening the action of another drug or ingredient; 相习成风 Usages arise from common practice.; Customs are formed by practice.; 相像 resemble; be similar; be alike; 相向 opposite direction; 相信 believe in; be convinced of; have faith in; take stock in; 相形见绌 be inferior by [upon] comparison; appear deficient in comparison; be effaced by the presence of a superior; be pale before [besides; by the side of]; be outshone; can not hold a candle to (sb.); fail to secure a leading place; When compared with others; it looks very poor.; lose [suffer] by comparison; make ... seem pallid by comparison; overshadow; pale by [in] comparison; pale into insignificance by comparison; Placed side by side with the other, this is conspicuous by its inferior ̄ ity.; prove definitely inferior; take the shine out of; the one pales beside the other; The one throws the other into the shade, when placed alongside.; throw into comparative obscurity; 相形失色 be tarnished by comparison; show apparently a great difference by comparison; 相形之下 by contrast; by comparison; 相须 mutual reinforcement between; 相沿 hand down (from earlier times); 相沿成习 become a custom through long usage; become common practice through long usage; have come down from the past and become customary; 相依 depend on each other; be interdependent; correlative with; 相依为命 stick together and help each other in difficulties; (We) are all in all together.; depend on each other for survival; keep each other company; (They) mutually depended upon one another for (their) survival.; mutually depending on each other for living; rely upon each other for life; (The mother and son) share their life together.; 相宜 suitable; fitting; appropriate; 相异 diversity; alien; 相映 set each other off; contrast with; form a contrast; 相映成趣 gain by contrast; cast beautiful reflections; contrast finely with each other; form a delightful [pleasing] contrast; 相应 corresponding; rele ̄ vant; act in responses; work in concert with; 相应 [方] small advantages; petty gains; 相与 get along with sb.; deal with sb.; with each other; together; 相与大笑 have a good laugh together; 相与愕然 stare at each other in surprise; 相与偕老 cast in one's lot with a partner for life; 相遇 approach; encounter; rendezvous; meet; 相约 agree (on meeting place, date, etc.); reach agreement; make an appointment; 相知 be well acquainted with each other; know each other well; bosom friend; great friend; a very close friend; 相知恨晚 It is much to be regretted that we have not met earlier.; 相知有素 have long been familiar with sb.; have known each other long; 相中 take a fancy to; settle on; 相撞 collide; smash together; bump against; strike; 相左 [书] fail to meet each other; conflict with each other; fail to agree; be at odds with


❶ (相貌; 外貌) looks; appearance: 丑 ~ ugly looks; 怪 ~ strange appearance; 显出一副狼狈 ~ cut a sorry figure; 一副可怜 ~ a pitiful appearance; a sorry figure; 一脸凶 ~ a fierce look on one's face; 长 ~ 儿 a person's appearance
❷ (坐、立等的姿态) bearing; posture: 站没站 ~, 坐没坐 ~ not know how to stand or sit properly; 这孩子睡 ~ 不好。 The child sleeps sprawled all over the bed.
❸ {物} (相位) phase: 三 ~ 电动机 three-phase motor; 调 ~ phase modulation
❹ (照片) photograph: 照个 ~ take a photo; have a photo taken
❺ [书] (宰相) prime minister: 丞 ~ prime minister (in ancient China)
❻ (某些国家的官名) minister: 外务 ~ Minister of [for] Foreign Affairs; Foreign Minister
❼ {地质} facies: 海[煤] ~ marine [coaly] facies; 浅海 ~ neritic facies
❽ (棋子) elephant, one of the pieces in Chinese chess
❾ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 昕 Xiang Xin Ⅱ ❶ (观察; 察看) look at and appraise: ~ 马 look at a horse to judge its worth; 人不可以貌 ~。 Never judge a person by his appearance.
❷ [书] (辅助) assist: ~ 夫教子 (of wife) assist husband and bring up children
另见 see also xiānɡ。
◆相变 {物} phase change; phase transformation; phase transition; 相补角 phase margin; 相册 photo album; 相衬 phase contrast; 相带 phase spread; 相芳 a surname; 相夫 a surname; 相公 [旧] a form of address for one's husband; a form of address for a young man; 相机 watch for an opportunity; camera; 相机处宜 use [act on] one's own discretion; 相机而动 see what can be done; bide one's time; wait for an opportunity to act; watch for an opportunity; watch for the right time for action; 相机而行 act as the circumstances direct [demand; require]; 相机行事 act when the time is opportune; act according to circumstances; act as the occasion demands; do as one sees fit; take care of the matter as chance offers itself; 相角 {物} {数} phase angle; photo corner; 相里 a surname; 相貌 facial features; looks; appearance; 相貌魁伟 be a man of stately and prepossessing appearance; 相貌平平[庸] not to be much to look at; be singularly plain; bland in appearance; 相貌堂堂 be handsome and highly esteemed; a commanding [dignified] appearance; be of splendid appearance; have a majestic bearing; 相门有相 There are ministers in the home of a statesman.; 相面 practice physiognomy; tell sb.'s fortune by reading his face; 相片 photograph; photoprint; photo; pix; 相如之贫 be desperately poor; 相声 {曲艺} comic dialogue; cross talk; 相时而动 adapt oneself to circumstances; come up at the proper moment; wait for the right time to take action; watch for the proper moment for action; 相数 number of phases; 相图 phase diagram; facies map; 相位 phase position; phase; 相序 phase sequence; 相纸 (photographic) printing paper; photographic paper; develop ̄ing-out paper; 相坐标 phase coordinates





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