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单词 scale
scale2/skeɪl/ nv [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)刻(标)度;刻(标)度器具(series of marks placed at fixed distancesused for measuring;instrument with such marks on it)[C]:the~of the ruler/the thermometer 尺/温度计的刻度;A thermometer has a~. 温度计有刻度。the Fahrenheit/Centigrade~华氏/摄氏刻度(计);a calculating/drafting~计算/制图尺;〖同〗 rule,measure;

(2)进位制(system of the method of number-ing)[C]:a decimal~十进制;the binary~二进制;

(3)比例 (率) (size of measurements on a mapmodeletc compared with the actual size of the countryetc)[C]:the~of one inch for 100 miles 一英寸代表100英里的比例;a large-~map 一张大比例的地图;the~of the map 这张地图的比例;This map is on the~of one centimeter to 100 kilometers. 这张地图的比例是1:100,000。a~model/drawing 模型/绘图比例;〖同〗 proportion;

(4)等级(别)(ordered classification for comparing sizeamountpowerintensityranketc)[C]:a~of wages/salaries/taxation/fees 工资/工资/税收/费用等级(标准);a wage/salary/tax~工资/工资/税收级别;high on the social~社会地位高;Wind forces are measured on a standard~of 0-12. 风力按0—12的标准等级测量。We were graded on a~from 1 to 10. 我们按照一至十的等级划分。〖同〗 range,series;

(5)规模,程度(relative degree or extent)[UC]:on a large/great/grand/limited/small~大/非常大/巨大/有限/小的规模;on a national/world(-wide)~全国/世界范围(规模)地;the~of the company's operation/business/spending 这家公司的经营/业务/开销规模;manufacture/produce/grow sth on a large~大规模地制造/生产/种植某物;reduce business/production in~缩小业务/生产规模;enlarge~扩大规模;

(6)音阶((music) group of notes going up or down in order)[C]:the major/minor~of C 大/小C音阶;practise/sing~s 练习指法/练声;sing in several~s 唱几个音阶;sing up the~s from bottom “doh” to top “doh” 从低音“多”唱到高音“多”;〖同〗 range,key;

to scale 按规定比例:The statue was made to~,one inch to a foot. 这尊雕像是按一英寸比一英尺的比例制成的。


scale down/up (v adv)按比例缩减/增加(vt):~up taxes/production/the salaries of teachers 按比例增加税收/生产/教师的工资;~down armies/imports 按比例削减军队/进口商品;All prices were~d down/up 10 per cent. 所有价格按比例下调/上调了10%。





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