疏[Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ ❸疎]shūⅠ ❶ (疏通) dredge (a river, etc.) ❷ (疏忽) neglect: ~ 于职守 negligent of one's duties ❸ (分散; 使从密变稀) disperse; scatter: 仗义 ~ 财 be generous in aiding needy people Ⅱ ❶ (事物之间距离远; 事物的部分之间空隙大) thin; sparse; scattered: 几点 ~ 星 a few scattered stars; ~ 林 sparse woods; ~ ~ 的几根胡子 a sparse beard; 河边 ~ ~ 落落有几棵柳树。 The river was sparsely lined with willow trees. ❷ (关系远; 不亲近) (of family or social relations) distant: 不分亲 ~ regardless of relationship (family or social) ❸ (不熟悉) not familiar with: 人地生 ~ be unfamiliar with the place and the people; be a complete stranger ❹ (空虚) scanty: 才 ~ 学浅 have little talent and less learning; 志大才 ~ have great ambition but little talent Ⅲ ❶ (封建时代臣下向君主分条陈述事情的文字) memorial to the throne ❷ (古书的比“注”更详细的注解) commentary ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 广 Shu Guang ◆疏不间亲 A merest acquaintance should not say anything to estrange sb. from one who is dear to him.; An acquaintance may not sow discord among intimate friends.; Blood is thicker than water.; Nothing can separate relations.; Persons of the same family are closer to one another than to others.; Relatives are favoured [chosen] over outsiders.; 疏财仗义 disburse money in public cause; be indifferent to wealth but concerned about virtue; distribute wealth and act righteously; 疏导 dredge; persuasion; 疏放 [书] unbridled; wanton; not constrained to conventional style, form, etc.; 疏果 {农} fruit thinning; prethin; 疏忽 carelessness; negligence; oversight; 疏花 {农} flower thinning; 疏剪 thin out (leaves); 疏解 defibering; 疏浚 dredge; sweep; scouring; 疏开 {军} extend; disperse; deploy; 疏阔 [书] careless; not well-conceived; unrealistic; impracticable; part for a long time; 疏懒 careless and lazy; slothful; indolent; 疏漏 careless omission; oversight; slip; 疏落 sparse; scattered; 疏密 density; spacing; 疏苗 thin out (young plants); 疏散 sparse; scattered; dispersed; dispersion; 疏失 careless mistake; remissness; 疏松 loose; puff; loosen; 疏通 dredge; mediate between two parties; 疏通渠道 dredge the channel; 疏远 drift apart; not in close touch; keep at a distance; become estranged 疏shuepistles in parallel prose;or subcommentaries 疏shūcourse; dredge; expel; relieve |