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单词 耳旁风

耳旁风耳边风ěr páng fēng

a puff of wind passing the ear—unheeded advice; a waste of breath;be disregarded; go in one ear and out the other; let sth flit by like a breeze; like water off a duck’s back;turn a deaf ear to; wouldn’t listen
❍ 魏强嘱咐他们的话,都当成了~,……(冯志《敌后武工队》259) Wei Qiang’s words of warning were thrown into the dustbin.
❍ 此时只凭记忆,乱引古书,说话是耳边风,错点不打紧,写在纸上,却使我很踌躇,但自己又苦于没有原书可对,这只好请读者随时指正了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—80) At the time I relied entirely on my memory when quoting from the classics. As the spoken word brushes past your ear and is gone,small inaccuracies do not matter; but I hesitate to commit these to writing. Still,since I have no books to check with here,I shall just have to ask readers to make the necessary corrections.
❍ 袭人又叹道: “姐妹们和气,也有个分寸儿,也没个黑家白日闹的!凭人怎么劝,都是~。” (《红楼梦》241) The maid went on with a sigh,“It’s all right to be fond of cousins,but still there’s a limit. They shouldn’t play about together day and night. But it’s no use our talking,we just waste our breath.”/他觉得象跟木头说话一样,你尽管说,他们就当成~。(梁斌《红旗谱》288) He might as well be talking to a wooden post: all he said went in at one ear and out of the other.





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