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单词 reward
reward/rɪ′wɔ:d, AmE -′wɔ:rd/ nvt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)报答,酬报(return for a deed or service provided)[U][N(for)]:ask no~不图报酬(答);receive a medal in~for one's bravery 以其勇敢荣获一枚奖章;Your devotion/approbation was my~. 你的忠诚/你的认可便是对我的报答。〖反〗punishment,fine;

(2)酬金,报酬(sth given in return for a deed or service provided)[C]:a just/cash/financial/material~应得/现金/经济/物质的报酬;an emotional~ 感情(上)的报答;deserve a~值得奖赏;reap/receive one's~得到/收到报酬;get a gold watch as a~for one's services/one's bravery 得到一块金表作为服务/勇敢的报酬;The~s of study/art/teaching are not to be measured in money. 学习/艺术/教学的收益是不能以金钱来衡量的。〖同〗prize,payment;

(3)赏金(sum of money offered for finding or helping to find criminallost or stolen property)[C][N(of/for)]:He announced/offered a~of $50,000 for the return of the ring (the capture of the criminal). 他宣布/提出奖给找回戒指(逮住罪犯的人)五万美元。〖同〗prize,payment;

vt 酬谢,奖赏(give a reward to sb for sth she or he has done)[尤passT+nT+n+prep(for/with)]:~sb for his service/his help 酬谢某人的服务/帮助;~sb for his honesty/his special effort/bringing the lost child home 因(某人)的诚实/特殊的努力/送迷路的孩子回家而奖赏某人;~the winner with a prize/a smile/gifts of fruit and flowers 奖给胜利者一件奖品/一个微笑/水果和鲜花;All his work (effort) was~ed with nothing/good result. 他所有的工作(努力)都付诸东流/取得了成就。Success~ed his efforts. 他的努力获得了成功。He was~ed by becoming the first man to walk on the moon. 成为第一个在月球上行走的人便是对他的奖赏。〖同〗repay;〖反〗punish;

→ re′warding adj 值得做的;令人高兴的





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