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单词 爱财如命

爱财如命爱钱如命;要钱如命ài cái rú mìng

be a money grabber; be actuated by love for riches;be greedy for money; be very covetous of material things;love money (/gold/wealth) more than anything else (/as dearly as one’s very life/as if it were one’s own life/as though it were life itself); be miserly; prize one’s property (/money) as highly as one’s life; skin a flea for its hide
❍ 现在广州电报总局当文牍师爷,年已四十岁上下爱钱如命的秀才季慕韩,也是离季交恕家里不很远的本家,早就认识的。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ —191) Ji Muhan,a licentiate of about forty years old and another remote relative of Jiaoshu known to him since boyhood,was now a clerk in the telegraph office in Canton. This man’s most dis tinguished characteristic was his insatiable and of tenreckless greed for money.
❍ 邻居们知道,这个老头儿一向~。The neighbours knew that this old man had always loved wealth as though it were life itself.
❍ 知府大人忽辛您是知道的,要钱如命,……(田汉《关汉卿》7)The prefect,Lord Huxin,as you know,is a money-grabber.

爱财如命ài cái rú mìnɡ

指爱钱财就像爱自己的生命一样。regard wealth as one’s life, be greedy for money, be a money grubber, love money as one loves his life





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