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单词 doubt


1. fear. apprehension担心,忧虑。
△L.L.L.5.2.101:“made a doubt ”. i.e.expressed fear. 表示担心。
△3H.VI.4.8.37: “The doubt is that he will seduce the rest. ”值得忧虑的是他会把其他人都煽惑起来。
2. suspicion,state of being suspected 猜疑,嫌疑。
△Oth.3.3.188: “The smallest fear or doubt of her revolt,” 一点点的担心,猜疑她对我不忠。
△Oth.3.3.430(429): “’Tis a shrewd doubt,though it be but adream.”这虽然只是一个梦,却有严重的嫌疑。
out of doubt: undoubtedly无疑地。
△Mer.1.1.20:“And every object that might make me fear / Misfor-tune to my ventures. out of doubt / Would make mesad.”凡是可能使我担心我的海上买卖遭受损失的一切事情,无疑地都会使我发愁。
3. suspicion; danger,risk 猜疑; (又解)危险,风险。
△2H.IV.4.1.199(197): “For he hath found to end one doubt by death / Revives two greater in the heirsof life;” i.e. as soon as he kills one who is suspectedto be his enemy,two greater foes appear among thesurvivors.因为他发现了杀死一个可疑的敌人就会在活着的人当中激起两个更大的对头。
4. mischief,harm,damage祸害,伤害,损害。
△H.VIII.2.2.27 (26):“He dives into the King’s soul,and therescatters / Dangers,doubts,wringing of the con-science,”他潜入到国王的心灵深处,在那里散布祸害、疑虑和良心上的懊恼。


1. fear担心,恐怕。
△Ado.5.1. 119 (118): “Had wefought,I doubt we should have been too young forthem.”如果我们真打起来,我生怕我们跟他们比起来未免太年轻点了。
△Wiv. 1.4.42 (41):“I doubt he be not well,”我恐怕他不大舒服。
△Ham.3.1.175 (166): “And I dodoubt the hatch and the disclose / Will be some danger;”我担心那孵出来的东西一旦破壳而出,怕是一种什么危险。
△Lr.5.1.6:“’Tis to be doubted,madam.”恐怕是这样,夫人。
△Oth.3.3. 19:“Do not doubt that;”不必为这个担心。
△Mac.4.2.65 (67):“I doubt some dangerdoes approach you nearly.”我恐怕有什么危险已经迫近你了。
△1H.IV.1.2. 202(181): “Yea,but I doubt theywill be too hard for us.”好,但是我担心我们打不过他们。
△2H.IV. EPi. 6 (5): “and what indeed I should saywill,I doubt,prove mine own marring.”而我恐怕我无论说什么都只能证明我自己的坍台。
△3H.VI.4.3.18: “IfWarwick knew in what estate he stands. / ’Tis to bedoubted if he would waken him.”如果沃里克知道他处在什么样的境况之中,我担心他会来把他惊醒。
2. suspect怀疑。
△Rom.5.3.44: “and his intents Idoubt.” i.e. I suspect his intentions. 他的意图我怀疑。
△Ham.1.2.255:“I doubt some foul play.”我怀疑这里面有奸诈行为。
△Ham.2.2.56:“I doubt it is no oth-er but the main.”我猜想还是那个主要原因。
△Ham.2.2.116:“Doubt thou the stars are fire,/ Doubt that thesun doth move,/Doubt truth to be a liar,/ But neverdoubt I love.”你可以怀疑星辰的发光,你可以怀疑日月的运行,你可以疑心真理会说谎,决不要怀疑我的爱情。(卞之琳译文)


n. & v.怀疑,疑问
◇ beyond all doubt毫无疑问
cast doubt on对…产生怀疑
clear one’s mind of doubt消除疑虑
doubt about怀疑
doubt whether怀疑
hang in doubt悬而未决
in doubt怀疑
make no doubt毫不怀疑…/no doubt很可能,无疑地
throw doubt upon=throw doubt on对…怀疑
without doubt毫无疑问地
‖ doubts and suspicions谜团
doubtable adj.令人怀疑的
doubt-belief theory of inquiry怀疑与相信相结合的探索理论
doubtful adj.怀疑的,有疑问的
◇be doubtful about怀疑
doubtful accounts可疑账款
doubtful assets可疑资产
doubtful breach可疑的犯规动作
doubtful case疑案
doubtful debts可疑债务
doubtful debts provision预提坏账准备
doubtful hit可疑刺
doubtful loan可疑放款
doubtful notes and accounts呆账
doubtfully adv.doubtfulness n.douche[du:ʃ](法语) n.冲洗液 v. 冲洗





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