dotevi. 1. love immoderately,be excessively in love过分喜爱,深陷情网。 △L.L.L.4.3.126(124): “For none offendwhere all alike do dote.”因为大家同样陷入情网,谁也不算错。 2. act or speak irrationally or foolishly不合理地(或愚蠢地)做事(或说话)。 △Oth.2.1.209 (206):“and I dote /In mine own comforts.”我自己太幸福了,所以说话忘形了。Phrases: dote on (upon):❶delight in,be fond of,love喜欢,爱好,喜爱。 △As.1.2.151 (142): “Is there yet anotherdotes upon rib-breaking?” 还有人喜欢打断肋骨吗? △Mer.1.2.118 (110): “but I dote on his very ab-sence,”我深愿他快快离开。 ❷love to excess过分偏爱。 △2H.IV.4.1.138 (136):“whom they doted on”.他们对他极端喜爱。 △H. VIII. 2.1.51:“This duke as much╱They love and dote on: call him bounteousBuckingham,╱ The mirror of all courtesy一”对这位公爵,他们却同样强烈地热爱和留恋,把他称为慷慨的白金汉,良好教养的一面镜子。 dote[dəut]v.腐败,衰败(老),腐朽,昏聩 ◇dote on (upon)溺爱 ‖ dotage n. 昏聩,腐朽,衰老,溺爱 ◇in one’s dotage年老昏聩 doting adj. 溺爱的 dotingly adv. dottiness n. dotty adj. 昏聩的,衰老的 |