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单词 煤炭

煤炭méi tànCoal

薄煤层 [bó méi cénɡ] thin seam
保全矿柱 [bǎo quán kuànɡ zhù] safety pillar
采煤工作面 [cǎi méi ɡōnɡ zuò miàn] coal face
大巷运输 [dà xiànɡ yùn shū] main road haulage
电溜子 [diàn liū zǐ] conveyer
顶板 [dǐnɡ bǎn] roof
顶板陷落 [dǐnɡ bǎn xiàn luò] roof fall/caving
放顶 [fànɡ dǐnɡ] blasting down the roof
割进 [ɡē jìn] undercutting
滚筒式截煤机 [ɡǔn tǒnɡ shì jié méi jī] drum cutter
褐煤 [hè méi] lignite
厚煤层 [hòu méi cénɡ] thick seam
灰分 [huī fèn] ash content
挥发物 [huī fā wù] volatile matter
回采率 [huí cǎi lǜ] rate of extraction
回柱 [huí zhù] recovery of pit prop
甲烷 [jiǎ wán] methane; firedamp
焦煤 [jiāo méi] coking coal
截煤机 [jié méi jī] cutter
井底 [jǐnɡ dǐ] shaft bottom
井口 [jǐnɡ kǒu] pit head
井下运煤 [jǐnɡ xià yùn méi] underground hauling of coal
掘进 [jué jìn] tunnelling
开拓 [kāi tuò] opening up
块煤 [kuài méi] lump coal
矿灯 [kuànɡ dēnɡ] miner’s lamp
联合采煤机 [lián hé cǎi méi jī] combine
硫分 [liú fèn] sulphur content
露天采煤 [lù tiān cǎi méi] opencast coal mining
冒顶 [mào dǐnɡ] roof fall/caving
煤藏 [méi cánɡ] coal deposits/reserves
煤层 [méi cénɡ] coal seam
煤坑 [méi kēnɡ] coal pit
煤矿 [méi kuànɡ] colliery; coal mine
煤炭工业 [méi tàn ɡōnɡ yè] coal industry
煤田 [méi tián] coal field
泥煤 [ní méi] peat
排水 [pái shuǐ] discharge of mine water
刨煤机 [páo méi jī] coal plough
砌井壁 [qì jǐnɡ bì] lining
气化 [qì huà] gasification
热值 [rè zhí] calorific value
手提电池安全灯 [shǒu tí diàn chí ān quán dēnɡ] electric portable lamp with a battery
竖井 [shù jǐnɡ] coal pit
水采水枪 [shuǐ cǎi shuǐ qiānɡ] hydraulic giant
水分 [shuǐ fèn] moisture
碎焦煤 [suì jiāo méi] coke dross
碳分 [tàn fēn] carbon content
无烟煤 [wú yān méi] anthracite
洗煤厂 [xǐ méi chǎnɡ] coal-washing plant
选煤厂 [xuǎn méi chǎnɡ] coal-dressing plant
烟煤 [yān méi] bituminous coal
运煤 [yùn méi] transporting coal
运煤机 [yùn méi jī] conveyer
运输机械 [yùn shū jī xiè] haulage machinery
沼气 [zhǎo qì] methane; firedamp
沼气爆炸 [zhǎo qì bào zhà] explosion of firedamp
支柱 [zhī zhù] prop setting
装煤 [zhuānɡ méi] loading coal
装载机 [zhuānɡ zài jī] loader


~工业 coal industry/~基地coal base/~液化项目coal liquefaction project





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更新时间:2025/3/2 4:25:37