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单词 relieve
释义 relieve /n'ifcv; nliv/ vt [VP6A] 1 give or bring relief to; lessen or remove (pain or distress): 给予救济; 援助; 减轻或解除(痛苦或困难): We were -d to hear that you had arrived safely. 听到你已安全到达, 我们安心了。 The fund is for relieving distress among the flood victims. 这基金是用于赈济水灾灾民的。 ~ one's feelings, provide an outlet for them (eg by shedding tears, or by using strong language, behaving violently). 发泄惑情; 泄愤(如借流泪、 破口大骂、行为粗暴等)。 ~ oneself, empty the bladder or bowels. 大便; 小便。 crelief1 (3). 2 take one's turn on duty: 血班; 接蕃: ~ the guard/the watch/a sentry. 接替守卫(看守者,哨兵)。 You will be ~d at noon. 中会音人来换你的班。 → fsIisf'(S). 3 sb of sth, a take it from him: 从某人手中接取某物: Let me ~ you of your suitcase, carry it for you (which is more usu). 让我替你拿手提箱。 b (joc) steal from: (U) K;自窃去: The thief ~d him of his watch. 那贼偷去他的手镶。 c dismiss from: 南除; 解除: He was ~d of his post. 他被解除职务。 4 bring into relief1; make (sth) stand out more clearly (against' a dark background, etc). 使凸起; 使(某物)更清晰地显出(借黑暗的背景衬托等,与 against 连用)。




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