悔huǐ (懊悔;后悔) regret;repent: 追 ~ 莫及 too late to repent ◆悔不当初 regret having done sth.;regret a previous mistake; 悔改 repent and mend one's ways; 悔过 repent one's error;be repentant;penitence; 悔过从善 acknowledge one's errors and become a good person; 悔过自新 repent and start anew;express one's repentance and determination to turn over a new leaf;repent and make a fresh start;repent and start with a clean slate;repent and turn over a new leaf; 悔恨 regret deeply;be bitterly remorseful; 悔恨交加[集] mixed feelings of remorse and shame;be stung by remorse;regret mingled with self-reproach; 悔恨莫及 cry over spilt milk; 悔恨终身 regret ... all one's life;have [nurse] a secret regret for life; 悔愧交加[织] torn by self-recrimination and repentance; 悔棋 retract a false move in a chess game; 悔悟 awake from sin;repent;repentance; 悔之晚矣[已晚] It is now too late to repent.;Repentance is [comes] too late.;be too late to regret;It's no use regretting now.;repent too late; 悔之无[莫]及 be too late to repent [regret];be too late for repentance;be useless to repent now;cry over spilt milk;It's no use regretting now.;too late for remorse; 悔之无益 Repentance is of no avail; 悔罪 show repentance;show penitence |