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单词 religious
释义 religious /ri'lidjas; ri'!i6zs8/ adj 1 of religion. 宗敎的; 宗敎信仰的。 2 (of a person) devout; God-fearing. (指人)虔诚的; 敬畏神的。 3 of a monastic order: 敎团的; 修道的: a ~ house, a monastery or convent. 修膏晚; 僧质。 4 scrupulous; conscientious: 护慎的; 凭良心的: do one's work with ~ care/ exactitude. 严谨地做事。 n a ~,person bound by monastic vows; monk or nun; 僧宿; 尼姑; 修士; 修女; (pF, unchanged in form) (复数,字形不变) the/ some / several persons bound by monastic vows. 全体(若干,几位) 僧尼。~




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