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单词 满头大汗

满头大汗mǎn tóu dà hàn

sweat standing in heads upon one's forehead; be covered with sweat; break into a sweat; with sweat all over one's face; sweat coursing (/streaming) down one's face
❍ 三毛从来没拿过笔,笨手笨脚,写起汉字,一笔一划很不得劲,学了一阵,早累得~。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》83) As he had never handled a brush in his life,his fingers were all thumbs when it came to writing the characters.He wrote laboriously stroke by stroke,putting forth such efforts that he would break into a sweat. /他疼得~,头昏得天旋地转。(知侠《铁道游击队》116) He was covered in sweat,and the floor seemed to heave under his feet as he lost consciousness.
❍ 冈村特务队长,急得~,从摩托卡上跳下来,在拷打着两个被绑的护路岗哨。(知侠 《铁道游击队》 241) Okamura,captain of the Japanese secret-service section,streaming with perspiration,jumped down from the car and started whipping the two bound guards.
❍ 开始他有点怀疑是这渔民,可是当他看到老渔民拄着篙,累得~,才知道船确是撑不动。(知侠《铁道游击队》292) He was looking at the fisherman as if he suspected him of treachery,but when he realized that the old man was sweating all over from exertion,he understood that the boat would not move because it was stuck in the mud.
❍ 小坡和小山在筛炭渣,累得~。(知侠 《铁道游击队》 72)Xiaopo and Xiaoshan were busy sifting cinders,sweat coursing down their faces.
❍ 同志们~,越干越起劲。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》 125) The sweat poured down our backs,but we only worked with more and more gusto.

满头大汗mǎn tóu dà hàn

形容非常劳累;也指因天气炎热,满脸和头上都是汗水。be covered with sweat, break into a sweat, all of a sweat





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