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❶ (在水或其他液体中搅荡, 除去杂质) wash in a pan or basket; rinse: ~ 米 wash rice; 一些老矿工仍旧在这些河里 ~ 金。 Some old miners are still panning for gold in the streams.
❷ (舀出污水等) clean out; dredge; ladle out; scoop: ~ 井 dredge a well; ~ 茅房 remove night soil from a latrine; ~ 阴沟 clean out a drain [sewer]
❸ (耗费) tax; trouble: ~ 神 be a tax on one's mind; bother one's brain about sth. Ⅱ [方] (顽皮) naughty: 你对他应更严格, 他太 ~ 了。 You ought to be stricter with him. He's very naughty.
◆淘换 find; look for; seek; 淘金 gold washing; panning; washgold; 淘箩 a basket for washing rice in; 淘米做饭 wash rice and prepare a meal; 淘气 naughty; mischievous; 淘沙拣金 wash the sand for gold; 淘神 [口] bother one's brain about sth.; trying; bother ̄ some; 淘汰 eliminate through selection or competition; be sifted out; weed out; die out; fall into disuse; obsolete; 淘汰标准 culling level; 淘汰率 mortality; 淘选 elutriation; buddling; levigate; vanning





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