释义 |
津津有味jīn jīn yǒu wèi❶appetizing; delicious;palatable; tasteful; ❷with relish(/zest); with great gusto (keen pleasure/individed interest/much unction) ❍ 这样地经过了煮熟一锅小米的时光,眉间尺早已焦躁得浑身发火,看的人却仍不见减,还是~似的。(鲁迅《故事新编》77) This went on for about the time it takes to cook a pan of millet. He was afire with impatience. Still the onlookers watching as avidly as ever,refused to disperse. ❍ 现在许多同志~于这个开中药铺的方法,实在是一种最低级、最幼稚、最庸俗的方法。(《毛泽东选集》795) The method borrowed from the Chinese pharmacy,which many of our comrades are very fond of,is really the most crude,infantile and philistine of all./……可是竟又会有 “肉麻当有趣”,述说得~的,天下事真是千奇百怪。(鲁迅《华盖集续编》21)…and the way they gush about him makes one’s flesh creep. This proves that wonders never cease. ❍ 什么校长呀,乡董呀,会长呀,从前都是~的,现在却连想都不愿意想起。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》419) His positions as headmaster,councillor,chairman,had been interesting enough once,but now he did not even want to recall them. ❍ 欧阳海给大家讲了讲部队的生活情况,全家都听得~。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》292) Hai told them about life in the PLA and they listened with inte rest. ❍ 阿菊走了以后,吃饭的人仿佛加了一样新鲜菜,~地七嘴八舌地谈论开来: …… (吴强《红日》313) After she had gone the men at breakfast,as if finding a new dish on the table,began arguing with gusto,everyone talking at once: … 津津有味jin jin you weiwith relish 津津有味with relish;with great enjoyment;with keen interest 听得~listen with keen interest 津津有味jīn jīn yǒu wèi形容很有兴趣。with realish, to do sth. with zest, like one’s o’clock, relish, with good appetite |