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单词 reaction
reaction/rɪ′æk⨜n/ n

(1)反应(actionfeeling or attitude aroused by sth)[CU][N(to)]:What was the critic's~to the book? 评论家对那本书的反应如何?~s to the suggestions/sb's remarks/a joke/hearing what has happened 对那个建议/某人的话/一个玩笑/听到所发生的事情所作的反应;evoke/produce powerful (immediate)~s among the audience (in the young people) 在听众(年轻人)中引起/产生巨大的(即刻)的反响;Our~s get slower as we get older. 年龄越大,反应越慢。〖同〗response,reply;

(2)(药物等引起的)反应(any effect produced by a chemical substance or the action of a drug)[C;Ua~][N(to)]:Have you had a~to your injection? 你打针后有什么反应? a bad~to penicillin/certain tests/the drug 对青霉素/某些试验/那种药物的不良反应;an allergic~to pollen/birds/animals 对花粉/鸟类/动物过敏;produce no evil~不会产生不良反应;

(3)反作用力(force that balances opposite force)[CUa~]:action and~作用和反作用;rocket~火箭推力;the mutual~on each other of character and environment 性格与环境的相互作用;

(4)相反的感觉(倾向)(change of opinions or feelingesp a return to an earlier condition)[Ua~]:This made him popular for a time,but then (a)~set in. 这使他一时间很受欢迎,但后来人们就不那么喜欢他了。There is a healthy~after swimming in winter. 冬天游泳后,会很健康的。

(5)反动(对)(opposition to political changedesire to return to a former system)[U][N(against)]:~against the new developments in the industry 对工业新发展的反对;Once again the forces of~prevailed/were de-feated. 反动势力再次嚣张/被击败了。

(6)化学(核)反应(process or condition of taking part in a chemical change;chemical changes)[CU]:A chemical~occurs in the fuel cell. 燃烧室里发生化学反应。organic/nuclear/positive/negative~有机/核/阳性/阴性反应;

← re′act v;

→ re′actionary adj 反动的;n 反动分子





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