释义 |
污泥浊水wū ní zhuó shuǐfilth and mire; mire;muck; quagmire; smut ❍ 中国人民将会看到,中国的命运一经操在人民自己的手里,中国就将如太阳升起在东方那样,以自己的辉煌的光焰普照大地,迅速地荡涤反动政府留下来的~,治好战争的创伤,建设起一个崭新的强盛的名副其实的人民共和国。(《毛泽东选集》1356) The Chinese people will see that,once China’s destiny is in the hands of the people,China,like the sun rising in the east,will illuminate every corner of the land with a brilliant flame,swiftly clean up the mire left by the reactionary government,heal the wounds of war and build a new,powerful and prosperous people’s republic worthy of the name. 污泥浊水wu ni zhuo shuidirty mud and sludge 污泥浊水wū ní zhuó shuǐ浊:浑浊。污浊的泥、浑浊的水。比喻一切落后、腐朽和反动的东西。filth and mire, smut, filthy mire |