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单词 狼心狗肺

狼心狗肺láng xīn gǒu fèi

rapacious as a wolf and savage as a cur; beastly; brutal and cold blooded; cruel and unscrupulous; heartless and ungrateful/“你们这些~的东西,我们全家情愿都饿死,也不能拿自己的亲骨肉从狼嘴里换粮吃!” (石文驹《战地红缨》 11) “You’re a pack of wolves! I’d rather have the whole family starve to death than exchange my flesh and blood for food!”/本想说几句,可是和这些~的匪兵们有什么道理好讲呢? (黎汝清《海岛女民兵》48)I wanted to explain things to them but what would be the use? They were dogs,mangy curs.
❍ 谋财害命拐女人,狗肺狼心!(朱素臣《十五贯》16) You robbed,you murdered,you kidnapped a girl,You dog with the heart of a wolf!/回到小店里,蹲在炕上,低了头,用袖子捂上脸,不忍看见~们对哥哥凶横的态度,他们要把他可爱的生命囚禁在黑暗里度过一生。(梁斌《红旗谱》193)Back in the inn,he squatted on the kang and hid his face in his sleeve. He could not bear to think of his beloved brother imprisoned for life by men more cruel than beasts.
❍ 快不要说他! 我可晓得这些~的人了。(杨沫《青春之歌》508) Don’t speak of him! A man with the heart of a wolf and the guts of a fox!

狼心狗肺lang xin gou fei

❶rapacious as a wolf and savage as a cur


rapacious as a wolf and savage as a cur; cruel and unscrupulous; brutal and coldblooded

狼心狗肺lánɡ xīn ɡǒu fèi

比喻心肠像狼和狗一样狠毒、贪婪。ungreatful, heartless and ungrateful, cruel and unscupulous





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