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单词 狼奔豕突

狼奔豕突láng bēn shǐ tū

run like a wolf and rush like a boar—tear about like wild beasts; run away in panic
❍ 呜——拍!这明明是朝天放的枪声,可是在一般穿长褂子的人听来,就很惊慌,~似的西窜东逃,散去了一大半。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—167)“Bang! Bang!”A couple of shots were fired,obviously into the air.But to those who wore long gowns,these shots caused such terror that they immediately ran away in panic in all directions.

狼奔豕突lang ben shi tu

run like wolves and rush like boars—tear about like wild beasts

狼奔豕突豕突狼奔lánɡ bēn shǐ tū

豕:猪;突:冲撞。像狼和猪那样奔跑乱窜。比喻坏人奔跑时的惊慌失措样;也比喻坏人乱冲乱窜。tear about like wild beasts, run like wolves and rush like boars, collide right and left





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