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单词 殷鉴不远

殷鉴不远yīn jiàn bù yuǎn

a lesson for Yin lies not far behind—one need not look far back for a warning; past examples serving as a warning to later generations are not far to seek; the lessons of history are close at hand
❍ ~,在夏后之世。(《诗经·大雅·荡》)❶For Yin its beacon was not far to seek; |In Xia’s last King its light was seen.
❷The beacon of Yin is not far-distant; |It is in the age of the last sovereign of Xia.
❍ 诗云: “~,在夏后之世。” 此之谓也。(《孟子·离娄上》) This is what is intended in the words of the‘Book of poetry’,The beacon of Yin was not remote,|It was in the time of the sovereign of Xia.’/宋与金的历史,对崇祯说来,~,而他绝不愿在臣民心目和后代史书中被看成是懦弱无能的君主。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—775)In the Song Dynasty the appeasement of the Nuchen Tartars served as a warning,and the emperor had no desire to be viewed in history as a weak and in effective ruler.

殷鉴不远yin jian bu yuan

a lesson from Yin doesn’t lie far behindone need not look far back for a warning

殷鉴不远yīn jiàn bù yuǎn

鉴:镜子。殷鉴:可以以殷朝为借鉴。形容前人失败的教训就在眼前。one need not look far for a lesson, the lessons of history are close at hand





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