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单词 缓兵之计

缓兵之计huǎn bīng zhī jì

a delaying (/stalling)tactic (/trick); a stratagem (/trick) to gain time(/a respite); a strategy to stall off immediate attack by the enemy; measures to stave (/hold) off an attack
❍ 到底还打不打?是不是袁世凯的~? (李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—290) Are we going to fight on after all,or is Yuan Shikai using this as a delaying tactic?/~!陈松林早就跑了!(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》133)That note was merely a trick to gain ti me! Chen Songlin decamped hours ago!/……并且向全市人民揭发,和谈期间政府仍日夜加紧军火生产,证明政府有意利用和谈作为~……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》330) They had also revealed that the Kuomintang government were pushing up arms production during the peace talk—proof that the negotiations were only a stratagem to gain time…/敌人放出和平空气,完全是~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》307) The enemy’s propaganda is nothing but delaying tactics.
❍ 该发言人答道: 这不过是~而已。(《毛泽东选集》1065) The spokesman replied: These are nothing but stalling tactics.

缓兵之计huan bing zhi ji

measures to stave off an attack


stratagem to gain a respite;stalling tactics


trick to gain time; stalling tactics;stratagem to gain a respite

缓兵之计huǎn bīnɡ zhī jì

缓:延缓。延缓对方进攻的计策。比喻拖延时日以缓和事态的办法。delay under a pretext, put off the enemy’s attack, measures to stave off an attack, a stratagem to gain a respite





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