缓(緩)huǎnⅠ ❶ (迟;慢) slow;unhurried: ~ 步而行 walk unhurriedly;~ 流 flow slowly ❷ (缓和;不紧张) not tense;relaxed: 风势 ~ 了。 The wind is moderating. Ⅱ ❶ (延缓;推迟) delay;postpone;put off: ~ 办 postpone doing sth.;~ 口气 have a respite; 刻不容 ~ brook no delay;sth. must be done without delay; 这事 ~ 几天再说。 Let's put it off for a couple of days. ❷ (恢复正常状态) recuperate;revive;come to: ~ 过劲儿来 feel refreshed after a breathing spell; 过了好一阵他才 ~ 过来。 It was a long time before he came to. 这场及时雨使受旱的禾苗都 ~ 过来了。 The timely rain revived the droughtstricken crops. ◆缓办 delay action;put off a project; 缓兵之计 a plot to gain time in order to complete defense;measures to stave off an attack;stalling tactics;stratagem to gain a respite;the plan of delaying the advance of the enemy;delay under a pretext;trick to gain time; 缓不济急 A slow remedy cannot meet an urgency.;Leisurely action cannot meet an urgent demand.;Slow action cannot save a critical situation.;The aid is too slow in coming to be of any help.;Water far away is not of much use in putting out a fire.;Water from afar cannot extinguish a fire nearby.; 缓步 walk slowly;stroll; 缓步当车 have a slow walk instead of riding on a carriage;To walk slowly is as comfortable as riding in a carriage.; 缓冲 buffer;cushion;slow down attack;buff;dampen;damping;amortize;redeem;redemption;shock mitigation; 缓冲器 buffer;dead block;antifluctuator;bumper;compression bumper;counterbuff;dashpot relay;impact damper;vibroshock;snubber;cushion;anti-fluctuator;beam;amortisseur; 缓动 slow-action;slow-motion;inching; 缓和 relax;allay;calm;ease up;mitigate;obtund;moderate;assuagement;mitigation;remission;détente;mollification;mild; 缓缓 slowly;gradually;little by little;step by step; 缓急 degree of urgency;pressing or otherwise;greater or lesser urgency;emergency; 缓急相通 help each other in case of need;give mutual help in an emergency; 缓颊 [书] intercede for sb.;put in a good word for sb.; 缓解 laxation;relief;relieve;remission;relax;lysis;anesis; 缓建项目 postpone a construction project; 缓决 stay the execution; 缓慢 slow; 缓坡 glacis;back-slope;low pitch;gentle slope; 缓期 delayed schedule;postpone a deadline;suspend; 缓气 get a breathing space;have a respite;take a breather; 缓射 {军} slow fire; 缓图 plan slowly and carefully; 缓限 put off the deadline;extend [postpone] the time limit; 缓效肥料 slow-release fertilizer; 缓刑 {律} probation;imprisonment with a suspension of sentence;reprieve;temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence;stay sentence of punishment; 缓行 amble; 缓一口气 get a breathing space; 缓役 {军} deferment (of service); 缓议 defer the discussion; 缓征 postpone the imposition of a tax or levy 缓huǎnmoderate; mild; relax |