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单词 欺世盗名

欺世盗名qī shì dào míng

fish (/angle) for underserved fame; build up a good name (/fame)for oneself by playing false; deceive the public and(/so as to) build a reputation (/win credit) for oneself; gain a reputation by deception (/crooked means/deceiving the public); net fame and hood wink the public; win popularity by dishonest means(/sailing under false colours)
❍ 这些人惯于~,无耻地把自己封为 “英雄”。These people used to seek fame by deceiving the public and shamelessly styled themselves as “heroes”.

欺世盗名qi shi dao ming

fish for undeserved fame


gain fame by dishonest means; win popularity by deception;gain fame by deceiving the public;fish for undeserved fame

欺世盗名qī shì dào mínɡ

欺骗世人,窃取名誉。gain fame by deceiving the public, demagogy, sail under false colours





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