叩kòu ❶ (敲; 打) knock: ~ 门 knock at a door ❷ (磕头) kowtow: ~ 辞 decline politely; ~ 求 request humbly ❸ [书] (询问; 打听) inquire; ask: ~ 其姓名 ask his name ◆叩门求见 knock at the door and ask for an interview; 叩首 [旧] kowtow; 叩头 kowtow; 叩头求饶 beat one's forehead on the ground and whine for mercy;knock the head begging for pardon; kowtow begging for mercy; perform a kowtow and beg for mercy; 叩头作揖 kowtow and bow with a great show of respect; 叩问 [书] make inquiries; 叩诊 {医} percussion |