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❶ (快乐;高兴) joyous;merry;jubilant: ~ 唱 sing merrily;~ ~ 喜喜过春节 spend a joyful Spring Festival
❷ [方] (起劲;活跃) vigorously;with great drive;in full swing: 争辩得正 ~ be hot over an argument;
春耕闹得正 ~。 Spring ploughing is in full swing. 火着得很 ~。 The fire is burning cheerfully. 雨越下越 ~。 It's raining harder and harder. Ⅱ (情人) sweetheart: 新 ~ new sweetheart
◆欢蹦乱跳 dancing and skipping with joy;healthy-looking and vivacious;
欢畅 thoroughly delighted;elated;
欢度 spend (an occasion) joyfully;
欢度节日 spend a holiday joyfully;celebrate a festival with jubilation;indulge in a holiday;
欢呼 hail;cheer;acclaim;jubilate;holler;
欢欢喜喜 joyfully;happily;delightedly;
欢聚 happy get-together; happy reunion; 欢聚一堂 have a joyous gathering (with); a happy gathering [reunion];be gathered happily in the same hall;be together on a happy occasion;enjoy a nice meeting together;get together joyously;happily gather under the same roof;
欢快 cheerful and light-hearted;in a merry mood;lively;
欢乐 happy;joyous;gay;
欢庆 celebrate joyously;
欢容悦色 a bright face;a pleased countenance;
欢声 cheer;
欢声遍野 Gladness filled the countryside.;
欢声动地 The sound of rejoicing filled the land.;
欢声歌唱 sing with joy;
欢声雷动 give a great shout of approval;Cheers rent the air like thunder.;Cheers resound like rolls of thunder.;cry out for joy;The cheers make the welkin ring.;The cheers rent the welkin.;thunderous [deafening] cheers [applause];欢送 see off;send off;
欢腾 great rejoicing;jubilation;rejoice;jubilate;
欢天喜地 be full of joy;be elated and happy;be filled with great joy;be greatly pleased;be in the seventh heaven;be in [go into] raptures;be wild with joy;dance for joy;extremely delighted;in an ecstasy of joy;in high glee;One's happiness [joy] knows no bounds.;overjoyed;tread on air;with boundless joy;
欢喜 joyful;happy;delighted;like;be fond of;delight in;
欢喜雀跃 tread on air;skipping and jumping about with joy;
欢喜欲狂 be rapt with joy;
欢喜冤家 quarrelsome lovers;a quarrelsome and loving couple;
欢笑 laugh heartily;
欢欣 jubilation;joy;be filled with joy;be elated;
欢欣鼓舞 dance for [with] joy;be elated and inspired by;be filled with exultation;be jubilant;gladden and inspire;
欢心 favour;liking;love;
欢宴 entertain at a banquet on some happy occasion;
欢迎 welcome;greet;welcome;favourably [well] receive;
欢迎惠顾 welcome to (some place);welcome to enjoy sb.'s service;
欢娱 joy and pleasure;regale;happy;joyous;
欢跃 overjoyed;very pleased;dancing with joy;jump for joy





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