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单词 责无旁贷

责无旁贷zé wú páng dài

a responsibility one cannot relinquish (/shirk off/evade); an in escapable (/unshirkable) duty; be solely answerable for; be duty-bound; it is incumbent upon sb to (do sth); there is no shirking the responsibility
❍ 抗日救国的总参谋部的职务,共产党是~和义不容辞的。(《毛泽东选集》242) To function as the general staff in resisting Japan and saving the nation is a responsibility the Communist Party cannot relinquish,an obligation it cannot decline.
❍ 这当然是~,义不容辞。(吴强《红日》419) It is of course a responsibility that cannot be shirked,a public duty that admits of no excuse.
❍ 让她仍率领老营吧。她一向率领老营,在突围时仍旧率领老营,~。将士眷属都在老营,她怎能独自离开?(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—248) No,let her command headquarters as she always has done . She can’t shirk her duty now or leave all the officers’wives who are with headquarters.


there is no shirking the responsibility;be duty-bound;be one’s bounden duty
支持第三世界,对我们来说,是~的。We are duty-bound to support the third world countries./~,义不容辞responsibility that cannot be shirked;public duty that admits of no excuse

责无旁贷zé wú pánɡ dài

贷:推卸。指自己应尽的责任,决不推卸给别人。be duty-bound, be solely answerable for, an inescapable duty





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