贤(賢)xiánⅠ ❶ (有德行的; 有才能的) virtuous; worthy; able: ~ 人志士 a person of virtue and ideals ❷ (敬辞, 用于平辈或晚辈): ~ 弟 my worthy brother; your good self; ~ 侄 my good nephew; your nephew Ⅱ ❶ (有德行的人; 有才能的人) a worthy person; an able and virtuous person: 让 ~ relinquish one's post in favour of sb. better qualified; give up one's post to [make room for] sb. better qualified; 选 ~ 举能 recommend virtuous and talent person ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 英 Xian Ying ◆贤才君子 virtuous and talent person; 贤达 prominent personage; worthy; a person that enjoys high prestige and commands universal respect; 贤德 good and honest virtue; (of a woman) virtuous; 贤惠 (of a woman) virtuous; 贤劳 [书] work industriously (for the public); 贤良 [书] (of a man) able and virtuous; a person of talents and virtue; 贤良方正 good and able men promoted by selection; 贤明 wise and able; sagacious; 贤内助 a good wife; the better half; 贤能 able and virtuous personage; 贤妻良母 (ideal type of womanhood) as an understanding wife and loving mother; a clever wife and wise mother; be a good wife and good mother; be a good wife and a kind mother; 贤人 a person of virtue; worthy; 贤士 distinguished men; 贤淑 [书] (of a woman) virtuous; 贤哲 [书] a wise and able person; 贤者多劳 A good man is always wanted for everything.; The able and virtuous are always busy. |