释义 |
横七竖八héng qī shù bāall in a mess; at sixes and sevens; higgledy-piggledy; a disorderly pile; in utter disorder; lie this way and that; spread all across in confusion ❍ 又描摹掘起的棺木怎样横七竖八地乱摆,草席也不盖一张,弄破了的棺木怎样碎乱不成样,简直是预备烧饭的木柴。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》152) They described hOw the excavated coffins had been left lying about in utter disorder,with not even a Diece of matting thrown over them,and how the broken coffins were now an unseemly heap of fragments like firewood ready for the stove. ❍ 桌子的周围,墙壁的近旁,~,放着好多椅子,高凳和长凳。(周立波《山乡巨变》29) Around the tables and near the walls,many chairs,high stools and long benches had been placed at random. ❍ 五六十根大木头~地躺在沟里。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》143)Fjfty or sixty logs which had been slid down from the mountain lay i n a disorderly pite. ❍ 他忘记不了~躺在街上,后来甚至用大车装运的那些尸首,……(叶圣陶《倪焕之》 399) He conld not forget the bodies that had lain higgledy-piggtedy in the streets until they had been loaded into carts and taken away,…/这个材料一共九页,厚厚的一沓子,上面写的字却总共不到一千个,潦潦草草,~的。(吴强 《红日》) It was a small,thick wad consisting of nine sheets altogether,yet the total number of words was less than a thousand. setaveled untidily i n irregular lines. /满院子~的绳子上,晒着各家的破衣玻被。(老舍《龙须沟》5) Lines aye strung across lere and there on which the families have hung out thejr old and tattered dlothes and beddirig to dry. 横七竖八hénɡ qī shù bā有的横着,有的竖着。形容杂乱无章,没有条理。in disorder, at random, all in a mess, topsy-turvy |