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单词 走南闯北

走南闯北zǒu nán chuǎng běi

go (/journey)north and south; knock about much; roam all over thecountry; travel extensively (/widely); wander about in the land (/world/country)
❍ 这年月呀,女人尊贵啦,跟男人一样可以~的。(《老舍剧作选·龙须沟》38)Women are respected nowadays; they can go anywhere they like.
❍ 我说: ‘不瞒肖队长,老孙头我~,就是凭这胆量大。’(周立波《暴风骤雨》101) I assured him:‘Honestly, I’ve the courage. It’s that courage that makes me go south and north.’/朱老忠~,路走得多了,走起路来,两条腿一跩一跩的,走得挺快,眨眼到了跟前。(梁斌《红旗谱》53) Who had walked so much in his travels south and north that he covered the ground in great strides. In no time at all he had reached them.
❍ 他当我不知道。老孙头我~,啥事不明白? (周立波《暴风骤雨》270) He thought I was in the dark,but I knew all about it. I’ve seen the world,and I can put two and two together.

走南闯北zǒu nán chuǎnɡ běi

形容为了谋生而到过许多地方。travel extensively, knock about much, roam all the country, travel widely





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