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单词 执迷不悟

执迷不悟zhí mí bù wù

adhere obstinately to error(/one’s foolish ways); be perverse;bigoted;impenitent; obstinately refuse to listen to reason;obstinately stick to a wrong course; persist in one’s errors (/wrong course); pig-headed; refuse to come to one’s senses; refuse to mend one’s way
❍ 邢王二夫人等也都劝了好几次,怎奈惜春执迷不解。(《红楼梦》1470)Their Ladyships did their best to dissuade Xichun,but she was adamant.
❍ 宝钗虽不言语,遇事试探,见他执迷不醒,只得暗中落泪。(《红楼梦》1505) Though Baochai said nothing,not yet having fathomed his meaning,her heart ached to see him a victim still of delusions.
❍ 他说得很婉转,很动听,正如他是宽仁豁达的君子,用最大的忍耐在援救一个~的朋友。(高云览《小城春秋》242) His voice was gentle,moving.Zhao Xiong was apparently the most benevolent of gentlemen,using the utmost patience to rescue an errant friend.
❍ 你不要~,认为有日本鬼子仗势,会永远骑在马上,耀武扬威,到处横行霸道,到处敲诈勒索,抗日政府给你们记着帐哪! (冯志 《敌后武工队》37) Don’t be obstinate. Don’t think that you can depend on the Japanese invaders to keep you on your high horses arrogantly throwing your weight around and riding roughshod over the people,fleecing them right and left. The resistance government in keeping an account of all you do!/如若尔等~,胆敢玩命不降,一声令下,四面大军杀上山来,玉石俱焚,老弱不留,尔等就悔之晚矣。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—236) If you persist in your errors and dare to resist,he will give the order to launch an offensive and we shall leave not a single person alive,not even your womenfolk,old people and children. It will be too late then to repent.
❍ 那便是支那人民所渴望的王道,于是对于支那人的~之点,愤慨得非常。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—50) It was the Kingly Way of which the Chinese longed . He is therefore most indignant at the present pig-headedness of the Chinese.
❍ 宝钗道: “可又来!老爷太太原为是要你成人,接续祖宗遗绪,你只是~,如何是好?” (《红楼梦》1455)“There you are!”she cried.“Your parents want you to do well so as to carry on the family line. If you stick to your silly ways what good will come of it?”/不要强辩了,你总是 ‘~’! (《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—200)Don’t argue. Don’t be so stubborn.


persist in pursuing a wrong course;refuse to mend one’s ways;be perverse
~地要在错误和危险的道路上走下去obstinately stick to a wrong and dangerous course

执迷不悟zhí mí bù wù

执:固执,坚持;迷:迷惑;悟:醒悟。形容坚持错误而不觉悟。be perverse, persist in error, set oneself against being brought around, be impenitent





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