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单词 走投无路

走投无路zǒu tóu wú lù

come to a dead end(/impasse); find (/have)no way out; go to the wall;find (/feel) oneself cornered; be at bay; be at the end of one’s tether; driven from pillar to post (/to a tight corner); there is no escape for sb; up a tree
❍ 白茫茫的一片,只有饿着肚子的小鸟,与~的人,知道什么叫作哀叹。(老舍《骆驼祥子》101) In this expanse of whiteness,there were only starving little birds and a man at a dead end who knew what it was to sigh in despair.
❍ 现在是和谈期间,~的敌人,根本不敢镇压!(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》337) Peace talks are going on now. The enemy are at the end of their tether and won’t dare to suppress the demonstrations!/别的大道理一概不要说起,只说,当初,我~,没吃没穿,是谁收留了我? (王汶石《风雪之夜》80) To cut it short,I just want to say that I can never forget who saved me back in those days when I was down and out and had no place to lay my head on.
❍ 然而,当我危急万分、~的时候,还是党——咱们伟大的母亲向我伸出了援助的手。(杨沫《青春之歌》231) But when the situation was at its most critical and I could find no way out,theParty—our great mother—reached out a helping hand.
❍ 可是当开始还不了解如何才能充分利用当地的自然条件保证继续增产的时候,曾经在这里辛勤几十年的农民们,都感到这个贫瘠的地方已经走头无路。(《中国农村的社会主义高潮》69) But at first it was not yet known how the natural resources of the locality could be exploited to the full so as to ensure constantly growing yields; the peasants who had toiled there for generations could not see any way out for this poorly endowed place.
❍ 日本帝国主义者已感到~,它的政策也只能是集中一切力量准备作最后挣扎。(《毛泽东选集》869)The Japanese imperialists feel themselves cornered,and their policy,too,can only be to muster all possible strength for a desperate last-ditch strug gle.
❍ 她真是~了,只好来求老主人。(《鲁迅选集》上—96)So she has really no way open to her but to come and ask help from her former mistress.
❍ 永恒急了,市场上银根紧,临时哪里去调这么多的头寸,~。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ —116) The Yong Heng were really worried,for the money market was tight and they had no means of raising so much cash at short notice; they had nowhere to turn.
❍ 残余的敌人终于丧失了斗志,在~的绝望中举手投降。(吴强《红日》530) The morale of the remnant of the enemy troops was finally broken and they raised their hands in surrender when they realized there was no escape for them.
❍ 为什么一个人不愿意马马虎虎地活着,结果却弄得~?(杨沫《青春之歌》40) I don’t want to fritter my life away—but there’s no way out for me.


find no way out;be driven to a tight corner;be in an impasse;come to the end of one’s tether;come to a dead end

走投无路zǒu tóu wú lù

投:投奔。形容无路可走,陷入绝境。have on way not, be up again the wall, be at bay, go down a blind alley, be at a dead end





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