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单词 风卷残云

风卷残云fēng juǎn cán yún

a strong wind scatters the last clouds—make a clean sweep of sth
❍ 叫一声“请!”一齐举箸,却如~一般,早去了一半。(《儒林外史》24) At the signal to begin,they fell to with their chopsticks,like a whirlwind scattering wisps of cloud.And half the food had gone…/~般的革命浪潮,证明我个人的理想和全国人民的要求完全相同,我感到无穷的力量。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》576)The sweeping success of the revolution has proved that my personal ideals coincide with the wishes of the people of my country.This thought gives me boundless strength.

风卷残云fēnɡ juǎn cán yún

残:零星的。风裹走了残留下来的零星的云块。比喻一下子把残存的东西一扫而光。make a clean sweep of sth., meet with no resistance, to polish a meal, wipe up at the swoop





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