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单词 枪林弹雨

枪林弹雨qiāng lín dàn yǔ

a forest of guns and a hail of bullets;amidst gunfire; bullets rain down;heavy gunfire
❍ 因为参加各种运动,是甚至于象这次一样,要冒“~的险,受践踏死伤之苦”的。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—153)However,we cannot but hope that young boys and girls will not join in any movements in furture,lest,as happened this time,bullets rain down,and they are trampled on,killed or injured.
❍ 贾正来到武工队,一瞅,都是~的老战友,更是高兴。(冯志《敌后武工队》 6) Jia Zheng,too,was overjoyed when he saw that all the people in the armed task force were old comrades in arms with whom he had been through tense battles.


a forest of guns and a hail of bullets
冒着~冲锋陷阵 charge under a hail of bullets;charge under heavy fire/~的战争年代war years characterized by roaring guns and flying bullets

枪林弹雨qiānɡ lín dàn yǔ

枪像树林,射出的子弹如下雨。形容战场上炮火密集,战斗激烈。a hail of bullets, a heavy fire, a forest of guns and a hail of bullets





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