释义 |
斩草除根zhǎn cǎo chú gēncut the weeds and dig up the roots—stamp out the source of trouble;destroy evil,leaving no chance of its revival;eliminate the root cause ❍ 这是~,萌芽不发。(《水浒全传》312) This is to dig up the grass,root and all,so that not a shoot shall spring up again ./复又想了一个主意出来,悄命旺儿遣人寻着了他,或讹他做贼,和他打官司,将他治死,或睹使人算计务将张华治死,方剪草除根,保住自己的名声。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》897) Then she hit on another plan . She quietly ordered Lai Wang to send men to find Zhang Hua,then either hale him to court on a charge of theft and have him done to death,or send assassins to kill him secretly.In this way the root of the trouble would be removed and her reputation assured. ❍ 杀! 杀! 杀! ~,……(杨沫《青春之歌》384)Yes,kill,kill,kill them all! Root them all out—…/他一件一件地历数了陈占鳌十几条大罪恶: 譬如,如何勾结“黑风”杀害刘大伯和我阿爸啦;如何烧刘大妈房子以~啦; …… (黎汝清《海岛女民兵》59)He enumerated several major crimes by Chen Zhanao,such as how Chen had instigated and collaborated with the Black Wind gang to murder my father and Uncle Liu,how they had burnt the house over the heads of Aunt Liu and Rock to wipe out the whole family. …/斩草……除根! 快给我杀……杀! (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》602) Wipe them off the face of earth. Kill them! Kill them!/俺连日攻城,不愁打你这个城池不破,一发~,免了萌芽再发。(《水浒全传》1084)If we hit your capital day after day,you can be sure we’ll take it. And when we do,we won’t spare even the roots of the grass,lest resistance grow again! 斩草除根zhan cao chu gencut the weeds and dig up the roots—stamp out the source of trouble 斩草除根cut the weeds and dig up the roots—destroy root and branch;stamp out the source of trouble;uproot the source of evil 斩草除根zhǎn cǎo chú ɡēn比喻除去祸根,不留后患。destroy root and branch, eliminate the root cause, up root, lay the axe to the root of |