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单词 斩钉截铁

斩钉截铁zhǎn dīng jié tiě

adamant; categorical(ly); decisive (ly); determinately; precise and clear-cut; resolute and decisive ; in categorical (/un equivocal) terms; with great (/grim) determi nation
❍ 人说二奶奶利害,果然利害。一点儿都不漏缝,真正~!怪不得没有后世。(《红楼梦》1157) People call her a martinet,and she certainly is one! There’s no chink in her armour—she’s as hard as nails. No wonder she’s never had a son.
❍ 老洪平日说话是~,简单明了几句就定的。(知侠《铁道游击队》152) Liu Hong was usually very direct in his speech.
❍ 于是他大义凛然的~的说道:“‘普天之下,莫非王土’,难道他们在吃的薇,不是我们圣上的吗!”(鲁迅《故事新编》65)Hence,carried away by righteous indignation,she declared cate gorically: “Since ‘all under the sky in our sovereign’s territory’,isn’t the’re eating belong to our king too?”/当胸中的悲愤象火烧的时候,他的薄薄的嘴唇紧闭着,微向上斜着的眼睛显得特别亮,说话时是一字一句,~。(知侠《铁道游击队》188)When he was burning with indignation or troubled with grief he would press his thin lips together,enunuciate every word clearly and forcibly,and his eyes which slanted slightly upwards would light up with a fierce glint.
❍ 我于是恍然大悟,中国的邪鬼,是怕~,不能含胡的东西的。(《鲁迅选集》 上—302) The truth suddenly dawned on me:evil spirits in China fear precise and clear-cut things which admit of no ambiguity./ “他比你干得多!”俊福~地说。(王汶石《风雪之夜》208)“He did more work than you!” Junfu came straight to the point.
❍ 怒火未熄的余新江,没有注意甫志高的插话,他向前走了两步,语气里充满了~的力量: …… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》5)Intent on his own angry thoughts Yu Xinjiang did not hear Fu Zhigao's exclamation. Stepping forward,he said with grim determination: …/土肥原本人是个关东军的举足轻重的人物,况且他又~地说:“天皇陛下是相信关东军的!”(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》280) Doihara was an important figure in the Guandong Army and he had stated unambiguously that “His Majesty the Emperor (of Japan) trusts the Guandong Army.”/但我又疑心我自己,也许是柔石的先前的~的回答,正中了我那其实是偷懒的主张的伤疤,所以不自觉地迁怒到她身上去了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—183) But I suspected myself as well—perhaps Rou Shi’s uncompromising answer the last time had found the weak spot in my laissez faire attitude and I was unconsciously transferring my resentment to her—…/ “离就离呗,你有个青山,还怕没得柴砍吗?”邓秀梅~地说。(周立波《山乡巨变》126)“Well then,divorce. You have a green hill,why worry about having no firewood to cut?”said Deng Xiumei unhesitatingly.


categorical;resolute(or firm)and decisive;firm
~地拒绝flatly refuse; reject categorically;give a round rebuff/~地表示state in categorical terms/~的表态take a resolute and decisive stand

斩钉截铁zhǎn dīnɡ jié tiě

斩:砍;截:割断。比喻说话和办事非常坚决果断,不含糊。resolute and decisive, speak in categorical terms, give a definite answer, in a firm tone





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