林业lín yèForestry
保持水土 [bǎo chí shuǐ tǔ] conserve water and soil
保护区 [bǎo hù qū] district of a guard
材林 [cái lín] timberland
采伐 [cǎi fá] cutting; felling
采伐工 [cǎi fá ɡōnɡ] lumberman
采伐计划 [cǎi fá jì huà] cutting plan
插枝繁殖 [chā zhī fán zhí] cutting propagation
茶园 [chá yuán] tea plantations
长剪 [chánɡ jiǎn] long cane pruning
成活率 [chénɡ huó lǜ] survival rate
除草剂 [chú cǎo jì] herbicide
除侧枝 [chú cè zhī] feathering out
春季嫁接 [chūn jì jià jiē] spring grafting
带土栽培 [dài tǔ zāi péi] plant with root ball
低干整枝 [dī ɡàn zhěnɡ zhī] low-headed training
调节气候 [tiáo jié qì hòu] regulate the climate
冬季修剪 [dōnɡ jì xiū jiǎn] dormant pruning
短枝修剪 [duǎn zhī xiū jiǎn] spur pruning
伐木 [fá mù] lumbering
伐区 [fá qū] cutting area
繁殖 [fán zhí] propagation
防风林 [fánɡ fēnɡ lín] windbreaks; wind-break forest
防风制沙 [fánɡ fēnɡ zhì shā] check winds and control sand
防护林带 [fánɡ hù lín dài] shelter belt
防火了望台 [fánɡ huǒ liào wànɡ tái] fire watchtower
防火区 [fánɡ huǒ qū] fire warden
防沙林 [fánɡ shā lín] sand-breaks
飞机撒树种 [fēi jī sā shù zhǒnɡ] air-seeding; sow tree seeds by planes
辅助林带 [fǔ zhù lín dài] auxiliary forest belt
改良气候条件 [ɡǎi liánɡ qì hòu tiáo jiàn] improve weather conditions
海防林 [hǎi fánɡ lín] shelter belts to protect sea coasts
护林 [hù lín] protect forests
护田林 [hù tián lín] shelter belts to protect farmland
化学药品疏花 [huà xué yào pǐn shū huā] chemical thinning
机械化采伐和运木 [jī xiè huà cǎi fá hé yùn mù] mechanized lumbering and transportation
架空索道 [jià kōnɡ suǒ dào] cable/aerial tramway
嫁接 [jià jiē] grafting
经济林木 [jīnɡ jì lín mù] trees of economic value
砍刀 [kǎn dāo] bush-knife
砍树 [kǎn shù] felling
林场 [lín chǎnɡ] forest farm
林管区 [lín ɡuǎn qū] district of a forest warden
绿肥 [lǜ féi] green manure
绿化地带 [lǜ huà dì dài] green belt
绿化规划 [lǜ huà ɡuī huà] afforestation plan
绿洲 [lǜ zhōu] oasis
每年修剪 [měi nián xiū jiǎn] annual pruning
苗圃 [miáo pǔ] seedling nursery
木材滑道 [mù cái huá dào] timber chute
嫩枝繁殖 [nèn zhī fán zhí] offshoot propagation
轻剪 [qīnɡ jiǎn] light pruning
软木 [ruǎn mù] cork
森林防火 [sēn lín fánɡ huǒ] prevent forest fires
手工疏花 [shǒu ɡōnɡ shū huā] thinning by hand
手锯 [shǒu jù] hand-saw
疏花 [shū huā] thinning
树丛 [shù cónɡ] thicket; grove; shrubbery
树干 [shù ɡàn] trunk; bole
树胶 [shù jiāo] gum
树林 [shù lín] woods; grove
树苗 [shù miáo] sapling
树皮 [shù pí] bark
树梢 [shù shāo] tip of a tree
树枝 [shù zhī] brunch; bough; twig; spray
树脂 [shù zhī] resin
水源林 [shuǐ yuán lín] shelter belts to protect the headwaters of rivers
松香 [sōnɡ xiānɡ] resin
削皮器 [xiāo pí qì] bark-blazer; barker
修剪 [xiū jiǎn] pruning
压条 [yā tiáo] layering
芽接 [yá jiē] bud grafting
移植苗木 [yí zhí miáo mù] transplant plant
油锯 [yóu jù] motor chain saw
油料林木 [yóu liào lín mù] oil-yielding shrubs
愈合 [yù hé] healing
圆锯 [yuán jù] disc-saw
造林区 [zào lín qū] afforested area
樟脑 [zhānɡ nǎo] camphor
整枝 [zhěnɡ zhī] training
植树机 [zhí shù jī] tree-planting machine
植树站 [zhí shù zhàn] afforestation station
植物保护 [zhí wù bǎo hù] plant/crop protection
植物检疫工作 [zhí wù jiǎn yì ɡōnɡ zuò] plant quarantine
纸浆 [zhǐ jiānɡ] wood pulp
竹林 [zhú lín] bamboo groves/thicket
主林带 [zhǔ lín dài] main forest belt
大力发展~ work energetically to develop forestry/~建设(发展)forestry development