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单词 consign
释义 consign /kan'sam; kan'sain/ vt ~ (to), 1 [VP6A, 14] send (goods, etc) for delivery: 寄诚; 运送(贫物等): The goods have been ~ed by rail. 货物已交由铁路运寄。 2 [VP14] hand over, give up: 移交; 交付: ~ → child to its uncle's cart; 将小孩交其叔父照顾; ~ one's s。 ,。 God. 把心灵交给上帝; 归主。 ~ee /ikonsai'ni:; zkansai'ni/ n person to whom sth is ~ed. 收冲人; 受付托舍。 ~er, ~ or /-nar; -nv/ n person who ~s goods. 寄件人; 发货 Ao ~ment n [U] ~ing; [C] goods ~ed. 避运; 委托; 所避运的货物; 委托物 ~ment, with payment for goods to be made after they have been sold by the receiver: 以委托方式(待货品售出后方付款给货主); 以寄售方式: take/send/ship goods on ~ment. 以寄售方式接受(寄出,运寄) 货品。 '~ment note, one sent with a ~ment of goods. 发货通知书。




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