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❶ (两手相合,臂的前部上举) cup one hand in the other before the chest:~ 别 take leave by saluting with both hands folded and raised in front
❷ (环绕) encircle;surround:四山环 ~ 的大湖 a great lake surrounded by mountains;
众星 ~ 月。 A myriad of stars surround the moon.
❸ (肢体弯曲成弧形) arch;hump:~ 着腰 arch one's back
❹ (用身体撞动物体)push without using one's hands:用身子 ~ 开了大门 push open the door with one's body
❺ (用身体拨开土地等) (of pigs, etc.) dig earth with the snout;(of earth ̄ worms, etc.) wriggle through the earth:猪用嘴 ~ 地。 Pigs dig earth with the snout.
❻ (植物生长,从土里向外钻或顶) sprout up through the earth:苗儿 ~ 出土了。 The young shoots have pushed the soil up. Ⅱ ❶ (建筑物成弧形的) arch:虹式 ~ rainbow arch;
圆 ~ circular arch
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 廷臣 Gong Tingchen
◆拱坝 {水} arch dam;
拱抱 surround;
拱鼻 groin;
拱材 camber piece;camber slip;
拱道 archway;
拱点 {天} apsis;apse;
拱顶 {建} vault;apex of arch;bow of head;fornication;
拱发 roach;
拱高 sagitta;slack;arch rise;
拱脊 spandrel;spandril;
拱(鹰)架 bow member;lagging jack;arch centering;arch centre;coom;
拱肩 spandrel;
拱肩缩背 hunch one's shoulders and bow one's back;
拱距 spring base;
拱锯 arch saw;
拱开 plow;plough;
拱跨 span of arch;
拱廊 stoa;arcade;
拱梁 arched girder;
拱门 {建} arch;archway;arched door;
拱面 arch face;
拱起 hunch-up;
拱桥 {建} arch bridge;
拱圈 arch ring;
拱石 voussoir;arch stone;
拱式挡土墙 curved plate retaining wall;
拱式建筑 arcuated architecture;
拱式悬臂桥 arch cantilever bridge;
拱式圆顶 arch dome;
拱手 make an obeisance by cupping one hand in the other before one's chest;submissively;
拱手称谢 join one's hands together in salute and thank;
拱手出让 give away sth. to sb. with both hands;
拱手而别 take leave by saluting with both hands folded and raised in front;bid farewell in a respectful manner;
拱手旁观 look on with folded arms;
拱手让人 surrender sth. submissively;give up sth. to others without putting up a fight;hand over on a platter;hand over with a bow;hand sth. over on a silver platter;
拱手致礼 salute with joined hands;salute with the hands folded;
拱[恭]听明诲 I will assuredly listen most reverently to your word;
拱线 {天} line of apsides;apse line;
拱心 {建} arch-core;
拱形 arcuation;arch;arched;
拱腰 {建} haunch;
拱应力 arch thrust;
拱支撑 arch brace;
拱轴 arch axis;
拱柱 counterfort;vaulting horse;vaulting shaft;
拱砖 arch brick;key brick;
拱作用 arch action





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