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单词 拱手让人

拱手让人拱手相让gǒng shǒu ràng rén

hand sth over with a bow (/on a silver platter); surrender sth to others submissively
❍ 那合本的人穷了,他就把他自己经营的两万金和典当拱手让了那人,……(《儒林外史》476) When his partner lost his money,my cousin cheerfully made over to him his own capital of twenty thousand taels and the pawnshop. /那位昏君与诸列强签订了一系列不平等条约,竟将祖国的大好河山拱手相让。The fatuous and self indulgent ruler signed a series of treaties with the big powers,and went so far as to surrender submissively the beautiful rivers and mountains of his motherland.

拱手让人ɡǒnɡ shǒu rànɡ rén

拱手:双手合抱于胸前,表示恭敬。恭顺地让给他人。hand over sth. on a silver platter, surrender sth. to sb., hand over with a bow





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